Guy's response to his girlfriend's three page text meltdown has left the internet crying



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Text messages have changed the way we communicate, but it hasn't made anything less awkward. We've all had those moments where you don't know if someone is sarcastic, or you see that your friend "read" your message but didn't respond (WHY?!), or Siri accidentally texts your crush "Will you ever text me?" (Okay, that situation is more rare, but it happened to one woman.)

Today most people would rather text than talk, which means that arguments can turn into essay battles. Each party rambles, pouring their heart out, dropping blocks of blue and gray text like the saddest game of Tetris. When you're typing, it's easier to articulate your thoughts, but the responses - and non-responses - can be frustrating. Luckily, they can also be hilarious.


Twitter user @XOashh_ shared a screenshot of a text conversation with her boyfriend. "I send this 3 page essay to my bf in a argument [and] this is what he texts back," she wrote.

As you tell from the screenshot, she went an epic rant, filling the screen with at least six huge paragraphs. The words are redacted with red hearts (just like the FBI does), so we don't know exactly what her meltdown was about. But it's clearly pretty intense stuff, warranting a thoughtful response from her romantic partner.. However, her boyfriend wrote back a six word non-sequitur: "Jc penny have 2$ big towels."

The Twitter-verse found his random response hilarious. I mean, we've all gotten flat, lackluster replies before, like "ok" or "cool" or "ok cool." But mentioning a sale on big towels at JC Penney is so weirdly specific.


Someone asked @XOashh_ if they had been arguing about towels - the color, the fabric and the size. How big is big? One person’s big could be a medium! And is there such a thing as too big? Unfortunately, this was not the case.


Many people asked if the sale is still happening. It is a pretty good price. $2 for a small or medium towel is a ripoff, but for a big towel, that is a steal.


The conversation ends here, so we don't know how she responded to that towel sale text. Maybe she brutally clapped back, or maybe she sent a crying-laughing emojii, or maybe she hopped in the car and drove to JC Penney to take advantage of that sweet ass sale.

I like to think that the boyfriend made the perfect response, and that the text message is a metaphor. JC Penny represents the world. The big towels represent their love; soft, but tough, a comfort when you’re at your most vulnerable. The two dollars represents them as a couple. They've had their troubles, but they shouldn’t throw on the towel.

In a related story, a hungover college girl woke up to a bizarre text about her drunken antics the night before, involving a goat...


Guy's response to his girlfriend's three page text meltdown has left the internet crying



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Text messages have changed the way we communicate, but it hasn't made anything less awkward. We've all had those moments where you don't know if someone is sarcastic, or you see that your friend "read" your message but didn't respond (WHY?!), or Siri accidentally texts your crush "Will you ever text me?" (Okay, that situation is more rare, but it happened to one woman.)

Today most people would rather text than talk, which means that arguments can turn into essay battles. Each party rambles, pouring their heart out, dropping blocks of blue and gray text like the saddest game of Tetris. When you're typing, it's easier to articulate your thoughts, but the responses - and non-responses - can be frustrating. Luckily, they can also be hilarious.


Twitter user @XOashh_ shared a screenshot of a text conversation with her boyfriend. "I send this 3 page essay to my bf in a argument [and] this is what he texts back," she wrote.

As you tell from the screenshot, she went an epic rant, filling the screen with at least six huge paragraphs. The words are redacted with red hearts (just like the FBI does), so we don't know exactly what her meltdown was about. But it's clearly pretty intense stuff, warranting a thoughtful response from her romantic partner.. However, her boyfriend wrote back a six word non-sequitur: "Jc penny have 2$ big towels."

The Twitter-verse found his random response hilarious. I mean, we've all gotten flat, lackluster replies before, like "ok" or "cool" or "ok cool." But mentioning a sale on big towels at JC Penney is so weirdly specific.


Someone asked @XOashh_ if they had been arguing about towels - the color, the fabric and the size. How big is big? One person’s big could be a medium! And is there such a thing as too big? Unfortunately, this was not the case.


Many people asked if the sale is still happening. It is a pretty good price. $2 for a small or medium towel is a ripoff, but for a big towel, that is a steal.


The conversation ends here, so we don't know how she responded to that towel sale text. Maybe she brutally clapped back, or maybe she sent a crying-laughing emojii, or maybe she hopped in the car and drove to JC Penney to take advantage of that sweet ass sale.

I like to think that the boyfriend made the perfect response, and that the text message is a metaphor. JC Penny represents the world. The big towels represent their love; soft, but tough, a comfort when you’re at your most vulnerable. The two dollars represents them as a couple. They've had their troubles, but they shouldn’t throw on the towel.

In a related story, a hungover college girl woke up to a bizarre text about her drunken antics the night before, involving a goat...