Terrifying image predicts how humans will evolve - including 'claws' and second eyelids


By Nasima Khatun

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Researchers at TollFree Forwarding have left us all terrified after creating computer-generated images depicting what they believe humans could evolve into by the year 3000.

The study concluded that humans will likely have hunched backs, clawed hands, and second eyelids due to our growing obsession with technology. The features were thrown together to create 'Mindy', to help give people a more realistic idea of how this could manifest in us all in the future.

It's no secret that our phones, laptops, and other devices play an essential role in our lives. But after seeing these horrifying images, we might be put off from using them quite so often.

Below we have an image of the 'text claw' and according to Dr. Nikola Djordjevic at Med Alert Help, this is essentially born out of the fact that the internet is constantly in the palm of our hands.

"A few years ago, mobile internet usage surpassed desktop, and we now hold the internet in our hands. However, the way we hold our phones can cause strain in certain points of contact – causing 'text claw,' which is known as cubital tunnel syndrome," she said.

Other syndromes linked to this are the 90-degree elbow, which can be created due to pressure in the muscles and ligaments of the arm.

Then we have the hunched back and this one is particularly frightening as it's connected with the brain.

The constant use of technology has had a dramatic effect on 'Mindy's' body.

It is reported that there are "growing concerns that radiofrequency radiation emitted from smartphones could cause serious health implications when exposed to the brain," which in turn can cause the skull to get thicker and the brain to get smaller.

And lastly, we have the second eyelid which is perhaps the weirdest one of them all.

"Mindy’s final change is possibly her most outlandish," the study states. "One area we’re yet to touch on is the eyes. Research into screens causing headaches, eye strain, and even blindness is well established, but how does Mindy’s body look to combat this?"

Well, according to Kasun Ratnayake from the University of Toledo, the answer lies in growing a second eyelid.

"Humans may develop a larger inner eyelid to prevent exposure to excessive light, or the lens of the eye may be evolutionary developed such that it blocks incoming blue light but not other high wavelength lights like green, yellow or red."

Not only that, but all these issues will likely have a substantial effect on our mental health, with evidence already pointing to technology and social media causing a decline on personal well-being as well as increasing anxiety.

So all in all, the future isn't looking too great if this is what we've got to go by.

I don't know what's scarier - the fact that we're all probably going to be hunchbacks with claws for fingers or the fact that skinny jeans and ballerina pumps could possibly be making a comeback. God help us all.

Featured Image Credit: Chris Rout / Alamy