People are divided after group starts singing Christian songs on packed flight


By stefan armitage

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A video has emerged on social media showing what appears to be a group of young Christian activists singing religious songs on a packed flight.

The footage was first uploaded to TikTok by Jack Jensz Jr., who is the founder of Kingdom Realm Ministries and a "follower of Jesus", per his Instagram bio.

Now, very rarely is a situation made better by a guy pulling out his guitar, but imagine it happening 30,000 feet in the air while you're trapped in a metal tube.

"We are taking this flight over for Jesus," Jack wrote in the video's caption, adding on the overlay: "Worshipping Jesus 30,000 Fett In The Air!"

Check out Jack's video below:

And although the people singing the songs look like they're having a great time, some of the passenger's faces look like they'd rather be anywhere else than on that flight.

I mean, just look at this poor guy:

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Credit: TikTok/@jackjenszjr

And after amassing over 200,000 views on the social media platform, people in the comments section were left divided over the performance, and whether or not the impromptu concert was appropriate.

"It would take everything in me to not break that guitar," one person commented

A second added: "And people complain when my toddler makes like a single noise."

One TikToker even asked: "And who’s pushing who’s lifestyle on to people?"

"This strengthens my atheism so much," added another TikTok user.

"Also this stuff is what is driving people away from religion in droves," one commenter typed, as another added: "Wow I would be so mad if I was on this flight. Be respectful of the people around you, it’s not a hard concept."

Many Christian social media users even called out the musical performance, with one person commenting: "I’m Christian but there’s definitely a time and place."

Another added: "I'm also a believer and I know we should praise and worship our lord anywhere but sometimes we need to be considerate of others."

Jack's video was also shared by people on Twitter, where it has amassed more than 5 million views on the platform.

One Twitter user responded to the video by saying: "I think it's awesome to see the Lord praised and worshipped at all times, in all places. To me, this is amazing and wonderful. I do fear this may not be a perfect way of spreading the Gospel to those that want a quiet & peaceful flight... hard to find a balance there."

Let us know your thoughts in the comments section!

Featured image credit: Thomas LENNE / Alamy

People are divided after group starts singing Christian songs on packed flight


By stefan armitage

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A video has emerged on social media showing what appears to be a group of young Christian activists singing religious songs on a packed flight.

The footage was first uploaded to TikTok by Jack Jensz Jr., who is the founder of Kingdom Realm Ministries and a "follower of Jesus", per his Instagram bio.

Now, very rarely is a situation made better by a guy pulling out his guitar, but imagine it happening 30,000 feet in the air while you're trapped in a metal tube.

"We are taking this flight over for Jesus," Jack wrote in the video's caption, adding on the overlay: "Worshipping Jesus 30,000 Fett In The Air!"

Check out Jack's video below:

And although the people singing the songs look like they're having a great time, some of the passenger's faces look like they'd rather be anywhere else than on that flight.

I mean, just look at this poor guy:

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Credit: TikTok/@jackjenszjr

And after amassing over 200,000 views on the social media platform, people in the comments section were left divided over the performance, and whether or not the impromptu concert was appropriate.

"It would take everything in me to not break that guitar," one person commented

A second added: "And people complain when my toddler makes like a single noise."

One TikToker even asked: "And who’s pushing who’s lifestyle on to people?"

"This strengthens my atheism so much," added another TikTok user.

"Also this stuff is what is driving people away from religion in droves," one commenter typed, as another added: "Wow I would be so mad if I was on this flight. Be respectful of the people around you, it’s not a hard concept."

Many Christian social media users even called out the musical performance, with one person commenting: "I’m Christian but there’s definitely a time and place."

Another added: "I'm also a believer and I know we should praise and worship our lord anywhere but sometimes we need to be considerate of others."

Jack's video was also shared by people on Twitter, where it has amassed more than 5 million views on the platform.

One Twitter user responded to the video by saying: "I think it's awesome to see the Lord praised and worshipped at all times, in all places. To me, this is amazing and wonderful. I do fear this may not be a perfect way of spreading the Gospel to those that want a quiet & peaceful flight... hard to find a balance there."

Let us know your thoughts in the comments section!

Featured image credit: Thomas LENNE / Alamy