BREAKING: Boris Johnson has been released from intensive care



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News has just broken that British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been released from intensive care. This comes after he was moved to an intensive care ward at St Thomas' Hospital in London after being diagnosed with coronavirus.

Per Sky News, a Downing Street spokesman has said that Johnson is now on a general ward of the hospital where he will "receive close monitoring".


First Secretary of State Dominic Rabb described the Prime Minister as being in "high spirits" at today's daily coronavirus press conference, the Metro reports.

The news comes two days after it was reported that Johnson had received oxygen as he battled coronavirus in intensive care.

Per ITV News, on his admission to the intensive care unit, Johnson did not require a the aid of a ventilator.

The Prime Minister's spokesman said:

"The Prime Minister has been stable overnight and remains in good spirits. He is receiving standard oxygen treatment and breathing without any other assistance.

"He has not required mechanical ventilation or non-invasive respiratory support."

Per the BBC, a spokesperson for the Prime Minister said of the news;

"The prime minister has been moved this evening from intensive care back to the ward, where he will receive close monitoring during the early phase of his recovery."

"He is in extremely good spirits."

BREAKING: Boris Johnson has been released from intensive care



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News has just broken that British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been released from intensive care. This comes after he was moved to an intensive care ward at St Thomas' Hospital in London after being diagnosed with coronavirus.

Per Sky News, a Downing Street spokesman has said that Johnson is now on a general ward of the hospital where he will "receive close monitoring".


First Secretary of State Dominic Rabb described the Prime Minister as being in "high spirits" at today's daily coronavirus press conference, the Metro reports.

The news comes two days after it was reported that Johnson had received oxygen as he battled coronavirus in intensive care.

Per ITV News, on his admission to the intensive care unit, Johnson did not require a the aid of a ventilator.

The Prime Minister's spokesman said:

"The Prime Minister has been stable overnight and remains in good spirits. He is receiving standard oxygen treatment and breathing without any other assistance.

"He has not required mechanical ventilation or non-invasive respiratory support."

Per the BBC, a spokesperson for the Prime Minister said of the news;

"The prime minister has been moved this evening from intensive care back to the ward, where he will receive close monitoring during the early phase of his recovery."

"He is in extremely good spirits."