Donald Trump hints at 2024 run as he teases campaign slogan 'Make America Great Again, Again'


By Nika Shakhnazarova

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Donald Trump has once again teased a potential bid in the forthcoming 2024 presidential election.

The ex-POTUS visited Iowa on Saturday, October 9, for a campaign-style rally at Iowa State Fairgrounds in the capital Des Moines.

Speaking to an audience of thousands, the former president gave perhaps his clearest signal yet that he intends to run in 2024, The Times reports.

Despite not having officially announced his candidacy yet, Trump teased a future campaign's potential political slogan.

"Make America Great Again, Again," he told the crowd. "Because we already did it."

This refers to the former president's 2016 campaign slogan, "Make America Great Again," which is often seen on the iconic red hats of his supporters.

Per The Times, the new slogan, he said, is different from his 2020 slogan, "Keep America Great," because "America's not great now."

Trump last month hinted he's thinking about running for president again when he was asked about his intentions regarding a potential White House bid in 2024 during his appearance on Fox News Digital.

Teasing the possibility of once again running for the Oval Office, telling Fox that the country is "getting to a point where we really have no choice".

Credit: REUTERS / Alamy

Describing the state of the country's current leadership as "disgraceful", Trump repeated: "I don't think we're going to have a choice."

Of course, this is not the first time that Trump has teases a 2024 presidential run.

Back in March, he sat down for an interview with daughter-in-law Lara Trump, who asked if his supporters would see him running for office again in the future.

Trump replied: "You do have hope, that I can tell you, you do have hope. We love our country, this country, we all owe a lot to our country, but now we have to help our country."

Credit: Marjorie Kamys Cotera/Bob Daemmrich Photography / Alamy

Additionally, back in July, Trump was asked by Fox News host Sean Hannity if he had decided whether or not he will be running to reclaim the White House.

After refusing to answer, Hannity said: "You're not going to answer, but I have to ask. Where are you in the process or let me ask you this, without giving the answer... Have you made up your mind [about running in 2024]?"

Without giving anything away, the wealthy businessman-turned-world leader simply responded: "Yes".

Featured image credit: REUTERS / Alamy

Donald Trump hints at 2024 run as he teases campaign slogan 'Make America Great Again, Again'


By Nika Shakhnazarova

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Donald Trump has once again teased a potential bid in the forthcoming 2024 presidential election.

The ex-POTUS visited Iowa on Saturday, October 9, for a campaign-style rally at Iowa State Fairgrounds in the capital Des Moines.

Speaking to an audience of thousands, the former president gave perhaps his clearest signal yet that he intends to run in 2024, The Times reports.

Despite not having officially announced his candidacy yet, Trump teased a future campaign's potential political slogan.

"Make America Great Again, Again," he told the crowd. "Because we already did it."

This refers to the former president's 2016 campaign slogan, "Make America Great Again," which is often seen on the iconic red hats of his supporters.

Per The Times, the new slogan, he said, is different from his 2020 slogan, "Keep America Great," because "America's not great now."

Trump last month hinted he's thinking about running for president again when he was asked about his intentions regarding a potential White House bid in 2024 during his appearance on Fox News Digital.

Teasing the possibility of once again running for the Oval Office, telling Fox that the country is "getting to a point where we really have no choice".

Credit: REUTERS / Alamy

Describing the state of the country's current leadership as "disgraceful", Trump repeated: "I don't think we're going to have a choice."

Of course, this is not the first time that Trump has teases a 2024 presidential run.

Back in March, he sat down for an interview with daughter-in-law Lara Trump, who asked if his supporters would see him running for office again in the future.

Trump replied: "You do have hope, that I can tell you, you do have hope. We love our country, this country, we all owe a lot to our country, but now we have to help our country."

Credit: Marjorie Kamys Cotera/Bob Daemmrich Photography / Alamy

Additionally, back in July, Trump was asked by Fox News host Sean Hannity if he had decided whether or not he will be running to reclaim the White House.

After refusing to answer, Hannity said: "You're not going to answer, but I have to ask. Where are you in the process or let me ask you this, without giving the answer... Have you made up your mind [about running in 2024]?"

Without giving anything away, the wealthy businessman-turned-world leader simply responded: "Yes".

Featured image credit: REUTERS / Alamy