Mars will appear brighter in the sky tonight than it has for nearly 20 years



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Mars will make its closest approach to Earth in over two years this month, as it reaches what is known as its point of opposition in the night's sky, the Independent reports.

According to NASA, Mars' close approach will take place today on October 6. This is defined as "the point in Mars' orbit when it comes closest to Earth, this time at about 38.6 million miles (62.07 million kilometers) from our planet."

NASA reports that Mars should be visible for most of the night in the southern sky and will reach its highest point around midnight.

"This time of excellent Mars viewing coincides with opposition, when Mars is directly on the opposite side of Earth from the Sun. This lineup happens about every two years. During this opposition, Mars and Earth are closest to each other in their orbits. That means Mars is at its brightest, so go out and take a look!" NASA explains on their website.

Per the Independent, Mars will shine brighter than it has at any point since 2003, and will not appear in such a manner again until 2035.

Meanwhile, a hunter's moon will be reportedly be appearing on Halloween itself this year, on October 31.

Watch this amazing footage of a full hunter's moon rising:

Earth Sky advises that the best time for UK stargazers to witness the harvest moon is at 10:05 pm; meanwhile, Forbes reports that the best time for American stargazers to catch a glimpse of it is at 5:05 p.m EDT.

Forbes has promised that this will be an "incredible sight" for Americans with the bonus of clear skies too.

While this isn't the only full moon in 2020, it is unlike another this year.

The Old Farmer's Almanac wrote: "There are just little over 12 complete Moon cycles every year, on average - there being about 29.53 days in a synodic month. The Harvest Moon isn't like the other Moons.

Credit: 2868

"Usually, throughout the year, the Moon rises an average of about 50 minutes later each day. But near the autumnal equinox, the difference is only 30 minutes.

"Additionally, the Full Harvest Moon rises at sunset and then will rise very near sunset for several nights in a row because the difference is at a yearly minimum. It may almost seem as if there are full Moons multiple nights in a row."

And if you're looking to enjoy the night sky even more in October, you can also catch a glimpse of the Draconid meteor shower, which is set to peak this week. reports that the best days to view the meteor shower are October 8 and 9, and what makes this shower even better is that it will be viewable at a reasonable time rather than particularly late at night.