Teen who walked 6 miles to 8th grade graduation gets college scholarship on the spot


By Phoebe Egoroff

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For some of us, the prospect of having to walk six miles to get anywhere - especially during this heat - is enough to make you want to sink into your sofa and stay at home.

Though, if you're 14-year-old Xavier Jones from St. Louis, Missouri, who walked the whopping distance to make it to his eighth-grade graduation, a feat that took him more than two hours... All because he wanted to make sure he got his diploma.

And it's this commitment to showing up at his graduation that has now secured the teen a full-ride scholarship for his future.

Talk about dedication!

According to news outlet WSAZ, Xavier - a student at Yeatman Middle School - was set to have his graduation take place at Harris-Stowe State University.

While his grandfather originally offered to give Xavier a ride to the venue, his car unfortunately stopped working last minute, leaving the teen without a ride.

"If you want something done, you gotta go ahead and do it yourself," the middle school student told reporters from the outlet. "I was going to tell an adult, but my grandpa's car was down. So, I was just going to walk there."

Unbeknownst to his grandfather, as well as the staff at the school, Xavier hatched a plan to get to the graduation without having to rely on some wheels to get there. "I looked up Harris-Stowe University on Google Maps, and then I saw the walking distance, and then I said, 'I could probably make it,'" the dedicated student said.

His brother and a friend came along for the six-mile journey, with Xavier saying that he just wanted to walk across the stage with his diploma in hand. Luckily for the trio, they all made it on time for Xavier to graduate.

But the sweet story doesn't end there! In fact, upon learning of Xavier's sheer determination to get to the event on time, Harris-Stowe State University administrators were so moved that they promised he would receive a full-ride scholarship to the university after he finishes high school, which he will in another four years. This will include the cost of Xavier's tuition, fees, and books.

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Harris-Stowe University was so moved by Xavier's story that they offered him a full scholarship. Credit: Raymond Boyd/Getty

President of Harris-Stowe State University Dr. Latonia Collins Smith, said the teen's story serves a heartfelt reminder that every student will face obstacle in their lives. "Many of our students come with a story, and many of our students come with environmental barriers they have overcome or that they are currently overcoming [...] I just led with my heart, and I followed my heart, and my heart said, 'This is a kid that needs a scholarship,'" Collins Smith said.

As for what she took away from the story, Collins Smith said: "At the end of the rainbow, there's a pot of gold. I learned a lot from Xavier that day. Even on your worst day, keep pressing forward."

Xavier has since revealed that, upon graduating from college, his big goal is to become a NASCAR driver. Move over Richard Petty!

Featured image credit: Jay L. Clendenin / Los Angeles Times / Getty

Teen who walked 6 miles to 8th grade graduation gets college scholarship on the spot


By Phoebe Egoroff

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For some of us, the prospect of having to walk six miles to get anywhere - especially during this heat - is enough to make you want to sink into your sofa and stay at home.

Though, if you're 14-year-old Xavier Jones from St. Louis, Missouri, who walked the whopping distance to make it to his eighth-grade graduation, a feat that took him more than two hours... All because he wanted to make sure he got his diploma.

And it's this commitment to showing up at his graduation that has now secured the teen a full-ride scholarship for his future.

Talk about dedication!

According to news outlet WSAZ, Xavier - a student at Yeatman Middle School - was set to have his graduation take place at Harris-Stowe State University.

While his grandfather originally offered to give Xavier a ride to the venue, his car unfortunately stopped working last minute, leaving the teen without a ride.

"If you want something done, you gotta go ahead and do it yourself," the middle school student told reporters from the outlet. "I was going to tell an adult, but my grandpa's car was down. So, I was just going to walk there."

Unbeknownst to his grandfather, as well as the staff at the school, Xavier hatched a plan to get to the graduation without having to rely on some wheels to get there. "I looked up Harris-Stowe University on Google Maps, and then I saw the walking distance, and then I said, 'I could probably make it,'" the dedicated student said.

His brother and a friend came along for the six-mile journey, with Xavier saying that he just wanted to walk across the stage with his diploma in hand. Luckily for the trio, they all made it on time for Xavier to graduate.

But the sweet story doesn't end there! In fact, upon learning of Xavier's sheer determination to get to the event on time, Harris-Stowe State University administrators were so moved that they promised he would receive a full-ride scholarship to the university after he finishes high school, which he will in another four years. This will include the cost of Xavier's tuition, fees, and books.

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Harris-Stowe University was so moved by Xavier's story that they offered him a full scholarship. Credit: Raymond Boyd/Getty

President of Harris-Stowe State University Dr. Latonia Collins Smith, said the teen's story serves a heartfelt reminder that every student will face obstacle in their lives. "Many of our students come with a story, and many of our students come with environmental barriers they have overcome or that they are currently overcoming [...] I just led with my heart, and I followed my heart, and my heart said, 'This is a kid that needs a scholarship,'" Collins Smith said.

As for what she took away from the story, Collins Smith said: "At the end of the rainbow, there's a pot of gold. I learned a lot from Xavier that day. Even on your worst day, keep pressing forward."

Xavier has since revealed that, upon graduating from college, his big goal is to become a NASCAR driver. Move over Richard Petty!

Featured image credit: Jay L. Clendenin / Los Angeles Times / Getty