This is the reason Meghan Markle will likely give birth to twins when she and Harry start a family



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If you're in love with the royal family, then the wedding of Prince Harry and Suits actress Meghan Markle was an amazing experience. We got to enjoy watching a lavish wedding ceremony, attended by a number of famous people. You couldn't help but get caught up in the drama and romance of it all. Where would the honeymoon be? What would Meghan's dress look like? Was Thomas Markle going to make it? It felt like some kind of big-budget TV show.

However, on the other hand, a number of social media users were left depressed that the handsome Prince Harry was now taken, and that the gorgeous Meghan Markle was no longer single. Now the question on everybody's lips is this: when are they going to start having babies? That might seem like a crass question, but when you've married into the royal family, the line of succession is critical. This means that people out there are already wondering when Meghan and Harry are planning on bringing a little bundle of joy into the world.

It's a tricky question. And to be honest, it doesn't appear as though they're in a major hurry to start a family. However, according to experts, if Meghan ends up pregnant in the near future, she's more likely to wind up with twins, or even triplets. So the pitter patter of tiny feet could be that much louder, since Meghan is turning 37 next month.

Due to Meghan's age she is more likely to have twins - or even triplets - than a woman still in her twenties.

Helen Turier, head of family and professional support at the Twins and Multiple Births Association stated: "Older women, so women in their late thirties, early forties, are more likely to hyper-ovulate. This means they're more likely to release two eggs or more per cycle than younger women. Therefore it is believed that's why there's a higher incidence of multiple birth babies in older women. As far as we understand, it's due to changing levels of hormones."

She added, "If you have one fertilised embryo put back, in some cases that can split into two identical monochorionic, monozygotic twins, which is why you can have one embryo put back and end up with twins. In the UK we have quite strict rules - you either have one embryo put back, and in some circumstances you're allowed two, and one of those may split and become two, so you can have two put back and end up with three. Whereas overseas there is no limit, which is why we get women who have had fertility treatment abroad come back pregnant with triplets or quads."

However, when recently asked about the subject of kids by a curious member of the public, Prince Harry came up with a very witty answer: so if anyone is hoping for royal babies in the near future, maybe you shouldn't hold your breath!