Many people fantasise about quitting their job to spend all their time on social media, but one college dropout has managed to actually follow through with this dream, and now earns over $6,000 a month via donations from his Twitter fanbase. 25-year-old Jovah Hill, a former political science major who hails from Brooklyn, NYC, quit his job at a fast food restaurant, and believes that asking for donations is a far better occupation.
Jovah Hill first became an influencer back in December 2017, after using the online live-streaming service Periscope. Jovah complained to his viewers about how much he hated his job, and appealed to the public for donations. His self-deprecating style of humour managed to win him plenty of fans, and soon the donations were rolling in. At first, his parents were sceptical, but Jovah insists that they are appreciative of his lifestyle, now that cash is streaming into his Patreon account.
"It’s clear that I’m providing my followers with a service and that’s why they give me money. There are some people who don’t like what I do, but I think it’s more of a jealousy thing. Essentially, I’m like the Kardashians – sitting on the couch moaning, throwing out a few jokes, but still getting paid. Sometimes I even get recognised in the street by my followers. Maybe if I looked different and wore a suit every day I would be on the Forbes list of the most successful businessmen of the year for coming up with this strategy."
He added: "Now that I have 110K followers that stretch all the way from the US to Singapore, my mom continues to be very supportive. I showed her my analytics. I get up to 15 million impressions a month – but it didn’t mean much to her. She’s still really happy for me, though ... When I was still working in the restaurant and went offline for a while, my followers missed me. I am providing a service and Millennials understand that entertainment and comedians aren’t just on TV or stages anymore – they can exist solely on Twitter, like me.
"The only thing I didn’t expect was the amount of money – I’m not rich or anything, but I make enough to live comfortably. It just ended up working out for me. I asked my followers exactly what they wanted, so I could provide it and get paid in return ... I also get donations while I’m on a live stream – where chat to my fans about my day and theirs – which I usually do between three to four times a day for an hour or so. These pay for anything extra. The donations vary, but sometimes people donate up to £200 in one go."
Despite the fact that his newfound career has proven lucrative, Jovah does find his social media life stressful and worries that his life revolves around it. He wants other people out there to not to take the whole phenomenon too seriously, and not to look up to him as an aspiration.