Man explodes at parents because baby had been crying for '40 minutes' during flight


By Asiya Ali

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A furious passenger had an irate outburst on a flight after listening to a baby cry for nearly an hour.

The viral incident was captured on board a Southwest Airlines flight to Florida and shared on TikTok with the overlay text that reads: "Stuck in a holding pattern for weather and an SWA passenger loses his mind over a baby."

The footage shows a man - who has not been identified in the clip - using profanities toward flight attendants and fellow passengers, to express his disdain at an infant crying.

"That child has been crying for 40 minutes! I had headphones on, I was sleeping," the upset man yelled to the workers who were attempting to calm him down.

Watch the video below:

At one point, it seems one member of the flight crew had had enough and said: "You're yelling," to the angry man, to which he exclaims: "So is the baby!"

During his tirade he even screamed "Did that motherf***er pay extra to get on" towards the baby. The person next to him could be seen looking rather embarrassed before putting their head in their hands.

Upon seeing the clip, social media users did not side with the passenger, with many taking to the comments section to criticize his bad behavior.

One user wrote: "How do you think the baby’s parents feel? People need to get a grip, babies are a part of life. We were all babies once."

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Credit: TikTok

Another said: "This is so wild to me. I don’t have kids, but crying babies don’t trigger me the same way, so I can’t understand this response."

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Credit: TikTok

A third commented: "And…there’s NOTHING funny about this! Disgusting!"

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Credit: TikTok

A fourth user on Twitter shared: "If you can't handle the sound of a crying baby or toddler, maybe air travel or being in public isn't for you.

"Personally, I'd be embarrassed by my inability to cope with something so basic that happens all the time. But I just believe that's part of being a functioning adult."

Meanwhile, others were sympathetic to his eruption as one person penned: "Why should the rest of us have to be subjected to [the] c****y behavior of other people's kids? Honestly, if a kid can't behave on a flight, it doesn't belong on it. [Travel] is stressful enough without having to endure that kind of nerve-grating noise."

A second person remarked: "If you can't take care of your child in public then maybe you shouldn't be in public either. People without kids don't need to be subject to bad parenting. Esp when it was clear those parents could've stopped that kid since they shut up mid-rant."

A third user stated: "So lemme get this straight- 100+ people have to change the way THEY feel because one non-paying passenger is going to cry. Nah."

According to Today, a representative for Southwest Airlines responded to the viral video - which has 3.4 million views on Twitter - in a statement that reads:

"We do not have details on this flight to share but commend our flight crew for their professionalism and offer our apologies to the other customers onboard."

Featured image credit: Sipa US / Alamy

Man explodes at parents because baby had been crying for '40 minutes' during flight


By Asiya Ali

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A furious passenger had an irate outburst on a flight after listening to a baby cry for nearly an hour.

The viral incident was captured on board a Southwest Airlines flight to Florida and shared on TikTok with the overlay text that reads: "Stuck in a holding pattern for weather and an SWA passenger loses his mind over a baby."

The footage shows a man - who has not been identified in the clip - using profanities toward flight attendants and fellow passengers, to express his disdain at an infant crying.

"That child has been crying for 40 minutes! I had headphones on, I was sleeping," the upset man yelled to the workers who were attempting to calm him down.

Watch the video below:

At one point, it seems one member of the flight crew had had enough and said: "You're yelling," to the angry man, to which he exclaims: "So is the baby!"

During his tirade he even screamed "Did that motherf***er pay extra to get on" towards the baby. The person next to him could be seen looking rather embarrassed before putting their head in their hands.

Upon seeing the clip, social media users did not side with the passenger, with many taking to the comments section to criticize his bad behavior.

One user wrote: "How do you think the baby’s parents feel? People need to get a grip, babies are a part of life. We were all babies once."

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Credit: TikTok

Another said: "This is so wild to me. I don’t have kids, but crying babies don’t trigger me the same way, so I can’t understand this response."

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Credit: TikTok

A third commented: "And…there’s NOTHING funny about this! Disgusting!"

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Credit: TikTok

A fourth user on Twitter shared: "If you can't handle the sound of a crying baby or toddler, maybe air travel or being in public isn't for you.

"Personally, I'd be embarrassed by my inability to cope with something so basic that happens all the time. But I just believe that's part of being a functioning adult."

Meanwhile, others were sympathetic to his eruption as one person penned: "Why should the rest of us have to be subjected to [the] c****y behavior of other people's kids? Honestly, if a kid can't behave on a flight, it doesn't belong on it. [Travel] is stressful enough without having to endure that kind of nerve-grating noise."

A second person remarked: "If you can't take care of your child in public then maybe you shouldn't be in public either. People without kids don't need to be subject to bad parenting. Esp when it was clear those parents could've stopped that kid since they shut up mid-rant."

A third user stated: "So lemme get this straight- 100+ people have to change the way THEY feel because one non-paying passenger is going to cry. Nah."

According to Today, a representative for Southwest Airlines responded to the viral video - which has 3.4 million views on Twitter - in a statement that reads:

"We do not have details on this flight to share but commend our flight crew for their professionalism and offer our apologies to the other customers onboard."

Featured image credit: Sipa US / Alamy