A man from Michigan is suing his parents after they threw away his collection of pornography and sex toys.
The plaintiff in the case, identified only as 'Charlie', is demanding $86,822.16 in damages after his folks chucked out his extravagant collection of sex aids and paraphernalia, which was estimated to be worth $28,940.72. Charlie had been living with his parents temporarily following his divorce, but they forced him out in August 2017. Following that, they delivered the remainder of his belongings to him in his new home in Indiana - but his toys, films and 'adult' literature were all missing.
An email exchange between Charlie and his father, which was presented as evidence in court documents, explained what had happened to the pricey collection.

"We counted twelve moving boxes full of pornography plus two boxes of sex toys as you call them. We began that day the process of destroying them and it took quite a while to do so," his father wrote.
This prompted Charlie to file a police report.
He also replied to his father: "If you had a problem with my belongings, you should have stated that at the time and I would have gone elsewhere. Instead you choose to keep quiet and behave vindictively."
But the man's father claims that he got rid of the collection for the sake of Charlie's wellbeing.
"Believe it or not, one reason for why I destroyed your porn was for your own mental and emotional health," he said. "I would have done the same if I had found a kilo of crack cocaine. Someday, I hope you will understand."

Ottawa County Sheriff's Office, who filed a police report against Charlie's parents, eventually decided not to pursue legal action. This led to Charlie seeking damages via a lawsuit.
Many of the films that the porn-fanatic owned were extremely valuable, "Not just [because they were] out of print," but because "the entire studio making it dissolved, and that was 20 years ago."
According to Charlie's father, the man's "addiction" to sexually explicit content began long ago, and he actually ran a small porn business while he was in high school and college. Unfortunately for him, this activity got him kicked out of school, as he had been caught selling pornography to students.
After this, Charlie's parents warned their son that if they ever found explicit material in their house again, they would destroy it.