Tiny rescue pup killed after UPS driver throws 55lb package over yard fence


By James Kay

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A tiny puppy was tragically killed after a UPS driver threw a package weighing 55lb over a yard fence.

As reported by the New York Post, shocking surveillance footage from a neighbor shows the UPS driver carrying the large box toward Naria Harutjunjan's house on Wednesday, July 17, at around 5:00PM.

Instead of trying to reach the recipient or ringing the doorbell, the driver tossed the package over the gate.

Moments later, footage from Harutjunjan’s Ring camera shows the driver squatting and looking toward the gate, seemingly after hearing a suspicious sound.

GettyImages-1307230074.jpgThe UPS driver threw the 55lb package over a fence, tragically killing Lulu the dog. Credit: Alex Wong / Getty

Rather than investigate, the delivery driver got back into his truck and drove away without alerting the homeowner.

The 55-pound package fatally crushed little Lulu, her grieving owner revealed.

“I took the package and I saw my dog, she couldn’t move anymore,” Harutjunjan told KCAL News.

Harutjunjan went to bring her two dogs inside. Cookie came in immediately, but Lulu was nowhere to be found. That’s when she lifted the box and discovered the horrifying scene.

“My neighbors were there,” Harutjunjan said. “They helped me with the dog to bring her to the Mission Hills clinic. But they said she passed away.”

The heartbroken Los Angelite had rescued Lulu a year ago, and the tiny pup quickly became a beloved member of the family.

“Yesterday, before I went to let her out, I took her and I said, ‘I don’t know, Lulu, why but I love you so much. That was the last time,’” Harutjunjan told the outlet through tears.

Devastated and furious, Harutjunjan contacted UPS and Amazon, the latter of which she claims facilitated the purchase.

She is now considering legal action against both companies and the driver.

“He could kill me,” she said. “He could kill any baby playing here, or killing anybody else.”

During her interview with KCAL News, the dog owner broke down in tears as she remembered Lulu making her smile every day.

In a statement to the New York Post, UPS said it was aware of the situation and plans to investigate.

GettyImages-1538595040.jpgUPS revealed that they plan to investigate the incident. Credit: Bill Tompkins / Getty

The company did not comment on whether the driver was punished or if he violated any company protocol by throwing the package over the fence.

Meanwhile, Harutjunjan has consulted with her attorney as they explore potential legal action against UPS, the driver, and Amazon.

Our thoughts are with Harutjunjan at this time.

Featured image credit: Alex Wong / Getty