Walmart employee quits her job over store's PA in scathing speech


By stefan armitage

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A woman has recorded the moment she quit her job at Walmart by delivering an expletive-ridden speech to customers and co-workers over the store's loudspeaker system.

As reported by Indy100, Louisiana resident Beth McGrath made the bold decision to leave in job, but not before telling everybody in the store how she has allegedly been treated by both her employers and customers.

Taking a deep breath, McGrath can be seen wearing her Walmart employee shirt before finally picking up the phone to the PA system and making her announcement.

Check it out in the video below (Warning - strong language):

"Attention Walmart shoppers and associates, my name is Beth from electronics," she started by saying, before going on to add: "I’ve been working at Walmart for almost five years and I can say that everyone here is overworked and underpaid.

"The attendant policy is bulls**t. We are treated by management and customers poorly every day. Whenever we have a problem with it, we’re told that we’re replaceable.

"I’m tired of the constant gaslighting. This company treats their elderly associates like s**t."

McGrath then takes aim at the store's management team, accusing one of them of being a "pervert" and calling out two others for their behavior towards employees.

"Shame on you for treating your associates the way you do. I hope you don’t speak to your families the way you speak to us," she tells them.

She then gives a shoutout to some of her colleagues, adding: "Walmart doesn’t deserve y’all."

And the icing on the cake comes when Beth concludes her announcement by saying: "F**k management and f**k this job. I quit."

Since sharing the video to her Facebook page on September 14, it has amassed over 150,000 views. Beth has also received an outpouring of support in the comments section, with many people praising her for speaking out.

One person commented: "F**k yes! THIS is how to quit an exploitive job. THIS is how you push public discourse to ELIMINATE exploitive labor. Big respect, Beth!"

A second added: "Good for you lady! Standing up to what's wrong is brave and strong! Blessings to your future hope you find an employer that will see the best in you and appreciates YOU!"

Amazingly, this isn't the first Walmart employee to quit their job in this fashion. Back in November, a woman by the name of Shana Ragland did the exact same thing.

Watch Shana spectacularly quit her Walmart job below: 

VT has reached out to Walmart for a comment.

Featured image credit: Alamy/Ian Dagnall.

Walmart employee quits her job over store's PA in scathing speech


By stefan armitage

Article saved!Article saved!

A woman has recorded the moment she quit her job at Walmart by delivering an expletive-ridden speech to customers and co-workers over the store's loudspeaker system.

As reported by Indy100, Louisiana resident Beth McGrath made the bold decision to leave in job, but not before telling everybody in the store how she has allegedly been treated by both her employers and customers.

Taking a deep breath, McGrath can be seen wearing her Walmart employee shirt before finally picking up the phone to the PA system and making her announcement.

Check it out in the video below (Warning - strong language):

"Attention Walmart shoppers and associates, my name is Beth from electronics," she started by saying, before going on to add: "I’ve been working at Walmart for almost five years and I can say that everyone here is overworked and underpaid.

"The attendant policy is bulls**t. We are treated by management and customers poorly every day. Whenever we have a problem with it, we’re told that we’re replaceable.

"I’m tired of the constant gaslighting. This company treats their elderly associates like s**t."

McGrath then takes aim at the store's management team, accusing one of them of being a "pervert" and calling out two others for their behavior towards employees.

"Shame on you for treating your associates the way you do. I hope you don’t speak to your families the way you speak to us," she tells them.

She then gives a shoutout to some of her colleagues, adding: "Walmart doesn’t deserve y’all."

And the icing on the cake comes when Beth concludes her announcement by saying: "F**k management and f**k this job. I quit."

Since sharing the video to her Facebook page on September 14, it has amassed over 150,000 views. Beth has also received an outpouring of support in the comments section, with many people praising her for speaking out.

One person commented: "F**k yes! THIS is how to quit an exploitive job. THIS is how you push public discourse to ELIMINATE exploitive labor. Big respect, Beth!"

A second added: "Good for you lady! Standing up to what's wrong is brave and strong! Blessings to your future hope you find an employer that will see the best in you and appreciates YOU!"

Amazingly, this isn't the first Walmart employee to quit their job in this fashion. Back in November, a woman by the name of Shana Ragland did the exact same thing.

Watch Shana spectacularly quit her Walmart job below: 

VT has reached out to Walmart for a comment.

Featured image credit: Alamy/Ian Dagnall.