Another prankster is arrested for licking supermarket ice cream and putting it back



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Last week, one of the strangest videos to hit the internet went viral, after a woman filmed herself licking a tub of ice cream before placing back into a store freezer. In the clip, shared on Twitter by user @BlindDensetsu, the woman opens a tub of Blue Bell ice cream. Later, the brand announced they were working with the police to find the culprit.

"This type of incident will not be tolerated," Blue Bell said in an official statement. "Food safety is a top priority, and we work hard to provide a safe product and maintain the highest level of confidence from our consumers."

Soon after, it was revealed that the suspect had been identified and an arrest warrant was set to be issued.

This woman was recorded gargling mouthwash, spitting it back in the bottle, and returning it to the store shelf: 

But unfortunately, this woman wasn't the only one to do this, as another incident has occurred in Napoleonville, Louisiana. Lenise Martin III posted a copycat video to Facebook, showing him opening another container of Blue Bell ice cream, licking the contents inside and poking it with his finger, before placing it back inside the supermarket freezer.

Credit: 2129

He was caught not long after. It was reported by Assumption Parish Sheriff's Office that the 26-year-old was charged on Saturday with property tampering and posting criminal activity. According to Police Commander Lonny Cavalier, The Independent reports, he was found in the store where he was showing staff a receipt to prove he'd bought the ice cream first.

The officers on the scene searched the freezer to confirm that Martin had bought the ice cream, but still decided to press charges. The woman in the original video had a different fate, however.

While the charge in Texas carries a sentence of between two and 20 years in prison, along with a fine up to $10,000, the original culprit turned out to be a teenage girl. Due to the fact she was 17, a minor under Texas law, police said they would not pursue charges against her as an adult.

She will be dealt with by the juvenile justice system, while prosecutors are currently deliberating on whether her boyfriend, a legal adult who encouraged her at the scene, will face charges.