Boy, 5, claimed he 'died on the Titanic' as he drew unsettling pictures of the tragedy


By James Kay

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A five-year-old boy claimed that he "died on the Titanic" in a past life and drew some unsettling things to prove it...

Some people deeply believe in reincarnation, while others will bat away the notion entirely.

One thing we can presumably all agree on is that when someone claims to have memories of a past life, it's intriguing.

GettyImages-113629179 (1).jpgThe Titanic sank in 1912. Credit: UniversalImagesGroup/Getty

A Wisconsin college student, Jamey, not only believes that he died on the Titanic, but that he was a very important person on the ship.

You see, Jamey claims to be Thomas Andrews, the ship's architect, one of the 1,517 people who died when the Titanic sank on April 15, 1912.

Jamey’s mother shared their experience with a film crew from LMN’s The Ghost Inside My Child, recounting how these revelations began when Jamey was just a child.

According to her, the turning point came when Jamey was caught watching the second half of James Cameron’s 1997 blockbuster Titanic, starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet.

"The next day, he started drawing and painting picture after picture of the Titanic," she recalled. "Within the first two weeks, he had probably painted 50 pictures."

The detailed drawings included images of the ship with over 100 windows and illustrations of its various internal levels.

GettyImages-3320778.jpgThe Titanic. Credit: Topical Press Agency/Getty

Jamey's mother noted that these depictions were far too precise to have come from watching the film, which focuses more on the fictional love story between its lead characters.

"He knew the ship by heart. You can't learn that by watching the movie," she explained. "Jamey was completely distraught over the fact that the people in the boiler room died first, like it was his fault that they were trapped."

As Jamey grew older, his recollections grew more detailed. He began discussing the Titanic’s sinking in terms of mistakes that led to the disaster, expressing guilt about the boiler room workers who died.

"He started talking about the accident itself and how it shouldn't have happened, that there were mistakes, there were corners cut and the men in the boiler rooms should not have been trapped. He would even cry about it," his mother said.

Jamey, now 19, participated in the documentary to share his own perspective.

He stated that he believes he was likely the ship’s architect, Thomas Andrews, based on similarities in personality and the actions Andrews took during the disaster.

"I would like to think that I was probably Thomas Andrews, just because of the personality traits and what he did is what I would've done," Jamey explained. "He gave himself up to let others get off the ship."

Reflecting on the tragedy, he added: "It was a horrible tragedy in history, and I’m just very at peace with it knowing I died on the Titanic."

The Titanic famously sank on April 14, 1912, after it struck an iceberg. Due to being dubbed "unsinkable", there were not enough lifeboats on board for the passengers.

Of the 2,240 people onboard, 1,517 sadly lost their lives and for many, their body was never recovered and the wreckage is seen as their final resting place.

Featured image credit: Topical Press Agency/Getty