Dad pulls son out of school over climate change 'brainwashing'



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A father has provoked controversy on social media by removing his son from his school after disagreeing with the climate change syllabus.

Thirty-eight-year-old Matt Karlos, who hails from Australia, was reportedly incensed about the way in which his son Max was taught about the issue of global warming. Karlos believes that scaremongering teachers are trying to make his son paranoid about an oncoming "apocalypse", and has decided to move him to a different school as a result.

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Karlos, who works as a pilot, also claims that climate change activists and environmental protestors have negatively affected his personal life and community, telling tabloid newspaper The Daily Mail Australia that: "There are about 50 of them on our road all the time, protesting against my family's water company."

Watch David Attenborough talk to world leaders about global warming:

Karlos continued: "We go past them every day so Max knows what they're about, and he's not interested.we go past them every day so Max knows what they're about, and he's not interested ... The Greens have an arrogance about them. They think if you're not with them, you're for the destruction of the planet and you're completely against them."

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"Max is pretty head-strong and sure of himself - a lot like me - and after the hippy thing he was done, and wanted to change schools. The teachers are making the kids terrified of the future - they're scaring them by telling them mankind caused climate change - the ideologies were in his face all the time," Karlos added.

Indeed, the younger generation seems to be more urgently concerned with the issue of climate change than ever. In fact, a number of adolescents have already pledged not to have any children until the world's governments have made the necessary steps to resolve the crisis.