Ladies and gentlemen, creating a business is super hard. Not only do you have to find a niche in your chosen market, construct a business plan and figure out how to get the whole thing together, but you have to put a name to the entire organisation that's not only simple, but memorable too.
Businesses pay copywriters and marketing strategists hundreds and thousands just to come up with a memorable business name or a snappy tagline, but others prefer to save the cash, thinking they can come up with something better themselves. And sometimes, they can!
![Fish and chips](
But sometimes, a bright idea at the time doesn't quite turn out exactly how you wanted, especially once you bring your idea to the public and they become very upset by what you've done. Much like this fish and chip shop, which hasn't quite captured the imagination like the shop owner hoped.
Okay, so let's say you're an entrepreneur out in Innisfall, Australia, and you've got a fish and chip shop you'd like to sell to the public. Of course, as any businessperson worth their salt, your thoughts immediately go to puns. But, alongside that, did the thought of implying domestic violence come to mind?
Then, maybe it's a good thing you got rejected from the marketing job at the Battered Wife Fish and Chip Shop. This eatery came in for intense criticism on social media for their memorable-in-the-bad-way name, and so bad have things gotten that the owner, Carolyn Kerr, has been forced to close her store.
So what was Ms Kerr's rationale behind the controversial name? As a former policewoman, Kerr came out of an abusive relationship back in 2017, and decided to use her experience to propel her to new heights. Her thought was not to make light of domestic violence, but to raise awareness of it.
"I've been around domestic violence. I was a copper way back when, and after that domestic violence liaison through courts, and then I found myself in a situation where I was in that as well and I just thought, 'you know, it's my little stand to try to make awareness.'"
But Kerr's sentiment was not something every group appreciated. In fact, back in October, the anti-violence group the Red Heart Campaign gave their opinion on the shop name in no uncertain terms: "We would like to send a huge f**k you to The Battered Wife Fish & Chip shop in Innisfall, Queensland."
"In a year where we have lost 67 women and 18 kids to murder and manslaughter, and while hundreds of thousands of women are being 'battered' by their partners across the country, these clowns thought it appropriate to make a joke out of domestic violence. There is nothing funny about domestic violence or violence against women. Please boycott this business - it does not deserve your money."
Statelawmakers and even politicians weighed in on the shop name, before Kerr eventually relented, announcing earlier this week on January 22 she was to close the Battered Wife. She says she couldn't afford an industry audit, and posted to Facebook about an "abusive witch hunt" that had brought the Battered Wife down.
According to anti-violence group Our Watch, an average of one woman per week is murdered in Australia by a current or former male partner, and the UN has described violence against women in the country as "disturbingly common".