Four people dead and dozens more injured after stand collapses at bullfight in Colombia


By stefan armitage

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At least four people have died and dozens more injured after an audience stand collapsed during a bullfight in Colombia, per local media.

As reported by The Independent, the horrific incident occurred at the stadium in El Espinal, Tolima, on Sunday (June 26). Spectators were in attendance for the traditional "corraleja" event, which sees members of the public encouraged to enter the bullring and engage with the bulls.

BBC News states that four people have been declared dead by officials, but that the death toll is expected to rise.

Footage of the incident was later shared on social media. The footage shows people attempting to flee the collapsing structure before it eventually gives way.

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Credit: Twitter

After the structure collapsed, a bull managed to escape the venue and cause further panic in the local area, per BBC News.

The local newspaper El Tiempo reports that councilor Iván Ferney Rojas has stated that due to the sheer number of people involved, the town's emergency services and hospital were struggling to cope.

Rojas is quotes as saying: "We need support from ambulances and neighboring hospitals, many people are still unattended."

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Credit: Twitter

As well as spectator footage, the following birds-eye-view video has also been shared on social media showing the devastating magnitude of the collapse.

The Independent reports that the Mayor’s Office of Espinal has released a statement, reading: "We deeply regret what happened in the bullring.

"We want to call for calm to the entire community.

"Once the emergency became known, the relief agencies acted immediately, achieving the evacuation of the injured for primary care at the San Rafael Hospital in the municipality."

The Mayor has also called for any members of the public still in the bullring to clear the area and allow the emergency services to tend to those in need.

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Credit: Google

Per The Mirror, the president of Colombia has tweeted the following message: "I hope that all the people affected by the collapse of the Plaza de El Espinal can come out of their wounds unscathed.

"This had already happened before in Sincelejo. I ask the mayors not to authorize more shows with the death of people or animals."

Our thoughts are with all of those affected by this tragedy...

Featured image credit: Michael Freeman / Alamy

Four people dead and dozens more injured after stand collapses at bullfight in Colombia


By stefan armitage

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At least four people have died and dozens more injured after an audience stand collapsed during a bullfight in Colombia, per local media.

As reported by The Independent, the horrific incident occurred at the stadium in El Espinal, Tolima, on Sunday (June 26). Spectators were in attendance for the traditional "corraleja" event, which sees members of the public encouraged to enter the bullring and engage with the bulls.

BBC News states that four people have been declared dead by officials, but that the death toll is expected to rise.

Footage of the incident was later shared on social media. The footage shows people attempting to flee the collapsing structure before it eventually gives way.

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Credit: Twitter

After the structure collapsed, a bull managed to escape the venue and cause further panic in the local area, per BBC News.

The local newspaper El Tiempo reports that councilor Iván Ferney Rojas has stated that due to the sheer number of people involved, the town's emergency services and hospital were struggling to cope.

Rojas is quotes as saying: "We need support from ambulances and neighboring hospitals, many people are still unattended."

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Credit: Twitter

As well as spectator footage, the following birds-eye-view video has also been shared on social media showing the devastating magnitude of the collapse.

The Independent reports that the Mayor’s Office of Espinal has released a statement, reading: "We deeply regret what happened in the bullring.

"We want to call for calm to the entire community.

"Once the emergency became known, the relief agencies acted immediately, achieving the evacuation of the injured for primary care at the San Rafael Hospital in the municipality."

The Mayor has also called for any members of the public still in the bullring to clear the area and allow the emergency services to tend to those in need.

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Credit: Google

Per The Mirror, the president of Colombia has tweeted the following message: "I hope that all the people affected by the collapse of the Plaza de El Espinal can come out of their wounds unscathed.

"This had already happened before in Sincelejo. I ask the mayors not to authorize more shows with the death of people or animals."

Our thoughts are with all of those affected by this tragedy...

Featured image credit: Michael Freeman / Alamy