Jeff Bezos announces first of $10 billion in donations to help fight climate change



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Jeff Bezos, the founder and CEO of e-commerce giant Amazon, has made the first donations as part of his Bezos Earth Fund, which aims to donate $10 billion to help fight against climate change.

Bezos is not only the world's wealthiest man, but also the world's first person to become worth more than $200 billion, per Forbes.

Credit: 629

In an Instagram post from yesterday (November 16), he wrote: "I've spent the past several months learning from a group of incredibly smart people who've made it their life's work to fight climate change and its impact on communities around the world.

"I'm inspired by what they're doing, and excited to help them scale. Today, I'm pleased to announce the first Bezos Earth Fund recipients - 16 organizations working on innovative, ambitious, and needle-moving solutions.

Bezos continued: "This $791 million in donations is just the beginning of my $10 billion commitment to fund scientists, activists, NGOs, and others. We can all protect Earth's future by taking bold action now."

Bezos then listed the grantees of the generous donation, found below:

The Climate and Clean Energy Equity Fund

  ClimateWorks Foundation

Dream Corps Green For All

Eden Reforestation Projects

Energy Foundation

Environmental Defense Fund

The Hive Fund for Climate and Gender Justice

Natural Resources Defense Council

The Nature Conservancy

NDN Collective

Rocky Mountain Institute

Salk Institute for Biological Studies

The Solutions Project

Union of Concerned Scientists

World Resources Institute

World Wildlife Fund.

The Amazon founder announced the $10 billion initiative earlier this year.

Taking to Instagram in February, Bezos wrote: "Today, I’m thrilled to announce I am launching the Bezos Earth Fund.⁣⁣⁣

"Climate change is the biggest threat to our planet. I want to work alongside others both to amplify known ways and to explore new ways of fighting the devastating impact of climate change on this planet we all share.

"This global initiative will fund scientists, activists, NGOs — any effort that offers a real possibility to help preserve and protect the natural world."

He added: "We can save Earth. It’s going to take collective action from big companies, small companies, nation states, global organizations, and individuals. ⁣⁣⁣
"I’m committing $10 billion to start and will begin issuing grants this summer. Earth is the one thing we all have in common — let’s protect it, together.⁣⁣⁣"

Chris Rock and Steve Martin hilariously roast Amazon's Jeff Bezos in the Oscars opening monologue:

Jeff Bezos announces first of $10 billion in donations to help fight climate change



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Jeff Bezos, the founder and CEO of e-commerce giant Amazon, has made the first donations as part of his Bezos Earth Fund, which aims to donate $10 billion to help fight against climate change.

Bezos is not only the world's wealthiest man, but also the world's first person to become worth more than $200 billion, per Forbes.

Credit: 629

In an Instagram post from yesterday (November 16), he wrote: "I've spent the past several months learning from a group of incredibly smart people who've made it their life's work to fight climate change and its impact on communities around the world.

"I'm inspired by what they're doing, and excited to help them scale. Today, I'm pleased to announce the first Bezos Earth Fund recipients - 16 organizations working on innovative, ambitious, and needle-moving solutions.

Bezos continued: "This $791 million in donations is just the beginning of my $10 billion commitment to fund scientists, activists, NGOs, and others. We can all protect Earth's future by taking bold action now."

Bezos then listed the grantees of the generous donation, found below:

The Climate and Clean Energy Equity Fund

  ClimateWorks Foundation

Dream Corps Green For All

Eden Reforestation Projects

Energy Foundation

Environmental Defense Fund

The Hive Fund for Climate and Gender Justice

Natural Resources Defense Council

The Nature Conservancy

NDN Collective

Rocky Mountain Institute

Salk Institute for Biological Studies

The Solutions Project

Union of Concerned Scientists

World Resources Institute

World Wildlife Fund.

The Amazon founder announced the $10 billion initiative earlier this year.

Taking to Instagram in February, Bezos wrote: "Today, I’m thrilled to announce I am launching the Bezos Earth Fund.⁣⁣⁣

"Climate change is the biggest threat to our planet. I want to work alongside others both to amplify known ways and to explore new ways of fighting the devastating impact of climate change on this planet we all share.

"This global initiative will fund scientists, activists, NGOs — any effort that offers a real possibility to help preserve and protect the natural world."

He added: "We can save Earth. It’s going to take collective action from big companies, small companies, nation states, global organizations, and individuals. ⁣⁣⁣
"I’m committing $10 billion to start and will begin issuing grants this summer. Earth is the one thing we all have in common — let’s protect it, together.⁣⁣⁣"

Chris Rock and Steve Martin hilariously roast Amazon's Jeff Bezos in the Oscars opening monologue: