Newly released videos show tumultuous arrest of YouTuber Ruby Franke



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Warning: This article contains details that some may find distressing...

Weeks after disgraced YouTuber Ruby Franke and Jodi Hildebrandt were sentenced to prison on child abuse charges, evidence released last week shows the severity of the abuse.

Both women were sentenced to up to 60 years in prison earlier this year in Utah.

Authorities coax one of Ruby's terrified children out of a closet:

They were arrested in August last year on child abuse charges pertaining to Ruby's children.

New footage shows the moment one of the children climbed outside a window in Jodi's Ivins home and escaped to a neighbor's home to ask for help.

Ruby Franke
Ruby Franke. Credit: Washington County Attorney's Office

Separate footage shows the police raid on Jodi's home (including the coaxing of one of the children from out of a closet), the police interviews with Ruby and Jodi, and an interview with Ruby's estranged husband, Kevin, who was not charged in the case.

Also released were Ruby's diary entries, in which she said one of her children was "in and out of possession" and "needs God," and recounted some of the ways she punished her young ones - including making them stand in the sun and shaving their heads.

Ruby Franke's diary
Credit: Washington County Attorney's Office

The footage also shows one of the children, who has tape around his ankle, going round to a neighbor, knocking their door and ringing the bell.

A couple called law enforcement after giving the boy some food to eat.

According to official documents, the child had duct tape and plastic wrap covering injuries on his legs and arms, which had also been covered in cayenne pepper and honey.

When officials arrived at Jodi's property, they informed her they were permitted to enter without a search warrant due to the extreme circumstances, based on a tip from the first child who said there were other minors in the home.

While inside the property, authorities discovered a child hiding inside one of the closets, scared to come out. Police told ABC News they originally thought the child - who had a shaven head - was male, before later discovering she was in fact the sister of the first child.

"You are safe. We will not hurt you and we will not do anything to hurt you," police told the girl, who eventually came out.

Both women were arrested, with Ruby refusing to communicate with police, which even continued during her interrogation.

Jodi was a little more co-operative, however.

Jodi Hildebrandt
Jodi Hildebrandt. Credit: Washington County Attorney's Office

"So I trust my attorney, he said, 'Don't say anything.' I said I have nothing to hide. He said, 'I know that, just let me be there when you talk,'" she said. "You guys seem like nice people. If you knew all the pieces, I think you'd have a lot of empathy of what's going on."

She shared her worry that police would "flip my words," and reiterated her attorney's advice. "It 'looks' bad that I'm not answering anything but it's not because I'm trying to be difficult," Jodi said.

"I don't know what's going to happen with what I say. I'm a psychologist, I watch people flip things all the time, so I get it. I wish people didn't do that, they do," she added.

Featured image credit: Washington County Attorney’s Office