Man known as 'The Sperminator' welcomes his 165th child just before Father's Day


By Nasima Khatun

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A man known as 'The Sperminator' has recently hit a major milestone that he will be celebrating today.

Ari Nagel, a 48-year-old from Brooklyn, welcomed another child earlier in the week - his 165th - after donating his DNA to a woman in Connecticut.

But after a solid stint in spreading his seed, he's almost ready to give it up.

“I’ll stop when I’m 50,” Nagel, who will turn 49 in August, told The New York Post.

"Physically I can keep going, but there may be increased risks for things like autism with older males," he explained to the outlet via text while cruising in the Bahamas with his first son, 20-year-old Tyler, and child No. 33, his seven-year-old daughter Topaz.

So what's the process like for him?

Nagel collects one or two samples of his sperm to give to different women in the week sometimes through the aid of clinics and other times face-to-face through non-sexual meetings. 

Despite not meeting 34 of his 165 children - and having another 10 on the way - he spends his time trying to be a "better father."

“I’ll never be able to be as good of a dad to my kids as my father was to me,” said Nagel, who grew up in an Orthodox Jewish home in upstate Monsey alongside two sisters and four brothers. 

“Having lots of kids can bring a lot of happiness and joy into your life, [but] I don’t suggest 175,” he continued before adding: “I have 10 women currently pregnant in the US, Canada, Asia, Africa and Europe... Zimbabwe and Long Island are due in July, Israel and Queens are due in August."

He tries to see as many of his kids as possible, but it's difficult considering they're across multiple states and countries. However, the 56 who live in New York, the 20 in New Jersey, and the 13 in Connecticut get to spend some good ol' quality time with their dad.

“Some moms don’t want me to play a role, but I leave them the option if they change their mind, and most do once the child gets a little older and starts asking questions,” he said.

Regardless, he's gotten some pretty good reviews from the women he's aided.

“He’s definitely a blessing because he’s doing the work for free,” Sheila Killian, a 47-year-old custodial worker from Charlotte, NC, whose graphic designer wife, Sukeema, 40, hopes to get pregnant by Nagel told the New York Post previously. “We work paycheck to paycheck - we don’t have money for a sperm bank.”

“He’s willing to do it for free. I think it’s amazing,” added Patrice Anthony, a 31-year-old nurse’s aide from New Orleans who has previously scared off men with her longing for a baby. “Guys can run away if they hear you want a baby.”

Nagel is really out here changing lives - and happily - so we're happy for him!

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