People filed complaints about stray cat roaming around law firm, so they 'hired' him



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When people began filing complaints about a stray cat roaming around the reception area of a law firm in Brazil - the Order of Attorneys of Brazil (OAB) - the firm in question did what they could to solve the "issue" - they hired him.

His name is Leon and you could say he's one of the most accomplished felines in the world.

Explaining the move, Dr Jeanette Laredo shared this post on Facebook:

"After a heavy rain, this little guy here seeking shelter from the storm went inside the OAB building ( Brazilian equivalent of ABA, American Bar Association) and decided to stay...unfortunately some people started to file some complaints about the fact that at the reception desk there was a stray cat hanging around and trying to make friends with the newcomers. in order to avoid some new complaints the board gave the solution: Hire the cat as an, now it's official this little fellow is responsible for welcoming the newcomers ( whether they like it or not)."

In an update to the post, it was revealed that the cat had since gotten a promotion and that he's now a lawyer - with an Instagram account, no less.

In an interview with Bored Panda, Dr Leon’s representatives explained that the reason people were filing complaints was that they feared they might unintentionally step on the feline due to its small size.

The representatives said, per Bored Panda:

"In February it rains a lot in the state of Amapá (Amazonia), so he arrived at OAB fleeing from the rain and thunder. For a week, he was fed and protected in a box. Until he got hired. [They said] that there was no space for him because it is a serious institution. So the President [of the OAB] determined the hiring and gave him an employee badge."

And apparently, the impressive little kitty was the inspiration behind the OAB launching an animal rights institute called Instituto Dr Leon.

"Two months ago Leon was neutered and is already fully recovered," the representatives said. "But veterinarians say he had a problem with his vocal cords as a result of suffering as a baby."

"He hardly meows, but we keep taking care of him. This motivated us to create the institute to help abused and abandoned animals. Unfortunately, we cannot house all [the animals], so we will fund the NGOs in town. We will be an example for Brazil [to follow]."