Woman shares before-and-after pictures of her poor dog after the groomer 'did him dirty'



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It's important to take your dog to the groomer for hygienic reasons, as they monitor for skin problems and reduce the amount of parasites. They also enhance the physical appearance, giving your dog a bath, removing the hair and trimming the nails. Some places even include creative services where they color the fur, in case your dog is hoping to get a bright fuchsia coat to really turn some heads on the block.

At least, the hope is that your dog comes back from the groomer looking better. Alyssa Echevarria took her dog to the groomer, and came back with an extremely close shave. She posted the hilarious before-and-after photo on Twitter, with the caption, "The groomer did him dirty," and it went viral. In the replies, everyone cracked up at the dog's unfortunate transformation. As one person replied, "He looks like a half cooked chicken with feathers still on it."

Alyssa then posted a close-up photo of the dog, with the caption, "What have you done." Indeed, the dog's eyes appear to be full of regret, and dawning horror. It's an expression familiar to many of us. When you get a good haircut, you feel like a million bucks, bucks like you just got injected with confidence. But when get a bad haircut, you cringe with shame, staring at yourself in the mirror, and trying to convince yourself that "it isn't that bad!" Then you buy a bunch of hats. Unfortunately, dogs can't hide their bad haircut.

Luckily, Alyssa's not alone. Many people have had a disastrous dog grooming experience, as if they took their pup to Mutt Cutts, the pet grooming business from Dumb and Dumber. They shared their photos in the replies, laughing at their canine's bad haircuts and forlorn looks. This person did the grooming job himself, so he has no excuse.

This dog ended up with some bushy old man eyebrows. His new name is Andy Rooney.

On the "after" photo for this dog, he appears to be saying, "Look away! I'm hideous!"

This dog ended up with a pair of striking pigtails. She kind of resembles Roseanne Roseannadanna, Gilda Radner's character from Saturday Night Live.

This owner was just expecting a facial and a slight trim, but got so much more.

This "after" photo looks so different, the owner thinks that Petsmart gave her the wrong dog back.

And finally, this dog's after photo expresses the perfect amount of blistering hatred. "WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME?!"

Before you get your dog groomed, check the Yelp reviews, and yes that pun is intended. Alyssa's dog will have to deal with looking like a hot mess for a little while, but at least it led to some badinage on social media, with fellow dog owners bonding over the weird world of grooming.

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