Fisherman encounters '30-foot' great white shark



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Some of the most iconic and memorable movies to ever exist are the ones that terrified audiences the most. Now, Nightmare On Elm Street and Friday The 13th may be known for their thrills and screams, but the chances of an undead and vindictive monster coming back to haunt your dreams or a campsite is so far from reality that they eventually cease to leave a lasting impression on you.

However, the same cannot be said for Steven Spielberg's 1975 thriller, Jaws. An astounding movie with a very simple premise, it is a story of a giant great white shark terrorizing a seaside town - eating locals one by one.

But what makes this movie so darn terrifying is the fact that great white sharks are real, and because us humans are very much out of our comfort zones in the sea, the movie famously left many people terrified to swim in the ocean. But surely a great white shark as big as the one depicted in the movie can't exist in the real world? Right?

Well, as it turns out, yes it can, as fisherman JB Currell shared on the Facebook page Troy Dando Fishing his encounter with a '30-foot' great white shark.

Check out the startling footage below:

The heart-pounding footage was accompanied with the caption:


"JB Currell says - On our trip from Bermuda to Cape Cod yesterday on Distant Star with Tom Brownell. About 40 miles south east of Martha’s Vineyard we came upon the largest great white shark I’ve ever seen. 
It was 25-30’ Long and weighed approximately 5 thousand pounds. Jaws does exist!"

The video has since been viewed over 2.4 million times and shared received 33.5K shares (as of this writing).

But this isn't the only incredible shark footage to recently surface online. As part of their annual 'SharkFest', National Geographic recently conducted research into cannibalism between great white sharks.

Check out the video below two see two great whites tear chunks of flesh out of one another:

Professor Mark Meekan from the Australian Institute for Marine Science states in the show that all sharks are indeed cannibals, and that scenes like the one above are becoming more common along Australia's Gold Coast as a result of safety measures to protect swimmers from attacks.

Sharks are snagged on baited hooks, and after sending out a distress signal, other sharks prey on them, seeing them as an easy meal.

And just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water...