Lonely roommates who asked neighbor if they can walk his dog get incredible reply from the 'pup'



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A group of flatmates who were missing the company of dogs in their life wrote to a dog-owning neighbour and asked to befriend their puppy. They were in for a heartwarming turn of events.

Jack McCrossan and his three flatmates, who live in Scotland, reached out to their neighbour after they learned that their landlord doesn't allow animals.

The 23-year-old and his friends have always had a dog in their lives and said that they were "struggling with life" without one. It was then that they came up with the ingenious plan to ask if they could hang out with their neighbour's dog, Stevie Ticks.

Jack proceeded to share the story to Twitter where it quickly went viral.

Meet Narwhal, the dog with a "unicorn tail":

"We are found engineers that have recently moved into the area in the past 3-4months," the boys wrote in the sweet note. "Our house is a comprised of an Englishman, two Scotts and a Welshman. Diversity. The other day, we notice a four-legged friend looking at us out the window when we arrived home from work."

"He or she looked like the goodest boy or girl there is. If you ever need someone to walk him or her, we will gladly do so. If you ever get bored - we know you never will, but we can dream - we are more than happy to look after him or her. If you want to come over and bring him or her to brighten up our day, you are more than welcome. If you want to walk past our balcony windows so we can see him or her, please do."

"We hope this doesn’t come on too strong, but our landlord won’t allow pets, and we’ve all grown up with animals. The adult life is a struggle without one," the added, signing off with "the boys from number 23."


After a few days, the boys received a paw-stamped letter in response, written by none other than Stevie Ticks.

"What a treat it was to receive your letter!" read the note. "On the subject of treats, I like them a LOT. Big ones and meaty ones and cheesy ones… oh sorry… where was I? I come from Cyrpus originally but Chris and Sarah rescue me from a cage in the doggy hotel. You’re right that I am the best-girl - how did you know? I am very friendly and full of beans.

"I love meeting new people and it would be great if we could be friends. I must warn you that the price of my friendship is 5x ball throws a day and belly scratches whenever I demand them. We here understand how hard it is to find pet friendly rentals and life just isn’t full without a dog in it - right?! I’d love to hand out whenever you fancy. Give my servant Chris a WhatsApp - and we can arrange a meet up!"

And indeed, a meet-up was soon in order. Taking to Twitter once more, Jack shared a picture of the boys with the pup, and it's just adorable.


"Update: The boys from 23 just met Stevie, looks like the start of a beautiful friendship," he captioned the post.

Lonely roommates who asked neighbor if they can walk his dog get incredible reply from the 'pup'



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A group of flatmates who were missing the company of dogs in their life wrote to a dog-owning neighbour and asked to befriend their puppy. They were in for a heartwarming turn of events.

Jack McCrossan and his three flatmates, who live in Scotland, reached out to their neighbour after they learned that their landlord doesn't allow animals.

The 23-year-old and his friends have always had a dog in their lives and said that they were "struggling with life" without one. It was then that they came up with the ingenious plan to ask if they could hang out with their neighbour's dog, Stevie Ticks.

Jack proceeded to share the story to Twitter where it quickly went viral.

Meet Narwhal, the dog with a "unicorn tail":

"We are found engineers that have recently moved into the area in the past 3-4months," the boys wrote in the sweet note. "Our house is a comprised of an Englishman, two Scotts and a Welshman. Diversity. The other day, we notice a four-legged friend looking at us out the window when we arrived home from work."

"He or she looked like the goodest boy or girl there is. If you ever need someone to walk him or her, we will gladly do so. If you ever get bored - we know you never will, but we can dream - we are more than happy to look after him or her. If you want to come over and bring him or her to brighten up our day, you are more than welcome. If you want to walk past our balcony windows so we can see him or her, please do."

"We hope this doesn’t come on too strong, but our landlord won’t allow pets, and we’ve all grown up with animals. The adult life is a struggle without one," the added, signing off with "the boys from number 23."


After a few days, the boys received a paw-stamped letter in response, written by none other than Stevie Ticks.

"What a treat it was to receive your letter!" read the note. "On the subject of treats, I like them a LOT. Big ones and meaty ones and cheesy ones… oh sorry… where was I? I come from Cyrpus originally but Chris and Sarah rescue me from a cage in the doggy hotel. You’re right that I am the best-girl - how did you know? I am very friendly and full of beans.

"I love meeting new people and it would be great if we could be friends. I must warn you that the price of my friendship is 5x ball throws a day and belly scratches whenever I demand them. We here understand how hard it is to find pet friendly rentals and life just isn’t full without a dog in it - right?! I’d love to hand out whenever you fancy. Give my servant Chris a WhatsApp - and we can arrange a meet up!"

And indeed, a meet-up was soon in order. Taking to Twitter once more, Jack shared a picture of the boys with the pup, and it's just adorable.


"Update: The boys from 23 just met Stevie, looks like the start of a beautiful friendship," he captioned the post.