A dog rescue center shared photos of a puppy with a tail growing out of its head on social media, and after the post in question went viral, the general public has been reassured that the little dog is healthy.
On Saturday, October 9, the Missouri-based animal rescue center Mac’s Mission, posted a number of images of the dog, which they lovingly dubbed: "Narwhal the Little Magical Furry Unicorn."
Check out this adorable video of Narwhal playing:The center captioned post: "NEW RESCUE!!! This puppy was just found along with another older dog. This puppy has a TAIL COMING OUT OF HIS FOREHEAD and a foot injury of some sort. We are thankful this baby and his buddy are safe from the freezing cold. We definitely specialize in special. [sic]"
The majority of Facebook viewers who saw and shared the post were simply enchanted by the animal's unique appearance. But some other people were worried about the little dog's health.
However, local vets who examined Narwhal have reportedly said that he's perfectly healthy and that the tail isn't going to affect him negatively.
In a post on Facebook, Mac’s Mission owner Rochelle Steffen wrote: "The million dollar question about Narwhals extra tail on his face. Is it connected and does it wag? The extra tail is not connected to anything and has no real use other than making him the COOLEST PUPPY EVER! [sic]"
She continued: "Dr. Heuring said there is no real reason at this time for the unicorn tail to be removed ... The unicorn face tail does not bother Narwhal and he never slows down just like any normal puppy. He seems completely healthy other than some usual puppy worms he got meds for. [sic]"
Check out Narwhal's strange 'unicorn tail' in the clip below:She added: "He is not available for adoption immediately as we want him to grow a bit more and truly make sure the tail doesn’t become a bother or problem. Right now he is pretty much the most unique amazing example of what we do here and we are so thankful to have the chance to be part of his journey. Thank you everyone for helping us help them! [sic]"