Ex-Disney sculptor crowdfunds mass production of a naked Trump troll doll



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Donald Trump has been one of the biggest trolls on Twitter, making blatantly false statements, retweeting offensive content from hate groups and lashing out at his enemies with childish insults. His tweets are admittedly entertaining, but often disturbing, coming from the President of the United States. (I mean, I can't imagine President Obama ever tweeting "WITCH HUNT!!!")

However, Chuck Williams, a former Walt Disney sculptor, has taken the "internet troll" concept as inspiration. We're all familiar with Troll Dolls, a hallmark of childhood for every 80's kid and 90's kid. Well, Chuck used his sculpting skills to create a naked Donald Trump Troll Doll that is hilarious - and anatomically correct.

The doll sports Trump's radioactive, pumpkin-orange skin, as well as his swoopy, haystack-yellow hair. The facial expression bears his trademark petulant pout, as if he just walked into the same elevator as Hillary Clinton. One of his tiny hands clutches a cell phone, ready for another productive morning of delusional rage-tweeting. During a GOP presidential debate in 2016, Trump famously bragged about the size of his junk, claiming he "guarantees he has no problem." The Troll Trump appears to have a bit of a problem in that area. But hey, Michaelangelo's David wasn't exactly well-endowed either, so he's in good company.

Chuck launched a Kickstarter campaign to crowdfund mass production of the Donald Trump Troll Doll. Within a week, he already surpassed his target of $38,000, raising an incredible $438,737 to bring the project to life. The project had 9,417 backers, although it is unclear how many of them are Russian bots.

Whether you're a Trump supporter or a Trump critic, everyone's getting a kick out of the doll. "This figure is near and dear to me," writes Chuck on the campaign description. " And thankfully it seems to have brought a smile to all sides of the political spectrum. The response has taken me a little by surprise!! I am very grateful to have made so many people happy with this sculpture."

In the update section, Chuck says the dolls are currently shipping. So if you'd like to purchase one, just visit Chuck's website to place an order. The figure costs $25, stands 4.75" tall, and the cell phone is removable. Obviously, since the doll is naked, it is meant for mature audiences only and is not safe for work. Perhaps in the future Chuck will create accessories, like a business suit, a red Make America Great Again baseball cap, a golf cart, a McDonald's meal, a wall, a swamp, a prison cell. The possibilities are endless.

Everyone hates internet trolls, but everyone loves Troll Dolls. The president's unique physical features translate pretty well to a cartoonish toy. All the Donald Trump Troll Doll needs is a friend. Maybe next he'll create Validmir Putin, and offer both dolls in a special "Colludin' BFF's" Box Set.

Ex-Disney sculptor crowdfunds mass production of a naked Trump troll doll



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Donald Trump has been one of the biggest trolls on Twitter, making blatantly false statements, retweeting offensive content from hate groups and lashing out at his enemies with childish insults. His tweets are admittedly entertaining, but often disturbing, coming from the President of the United States. (I mean, I can't imagine President Obama ever tweeting "WITCH HUNT!!!")

However, Chuck Williams, a former Walt Disney sculptor, has taken the "internet troll" concept as inspiration. We're all familiar with Troll Dolls, a hallmark of childhood for every 80's kid and 90's kid. Well, Chuck used his sculpting skills to create a naked Donald Trump Troll Doll that is hilarious - and anatomically correct.

The doll sports Trump's radioactive, pumpkin-orange skin, as well as his swoopy, haystack-yellow hair. The facial expression bears his trademark petulant pout, as if he just walked into the same elevator as Hillary Clinton. One of his tiny hands clutches a cell phone, ready for another productive morning of delusional rage-tweeting. During a GOP presidential debate in 2016, Trump famously bragged about the size of his junk, claiming he "guarantees he has no problem." The Troll Trump appears to have a bit of a problem in that area. But hey, Michaelangelo's David wasn't exactly well-endowed either, so he's in good company.

Chuck launched a Kickstarter campaign to crowdfund mass production of the Donald Trump Troll Doll. Within a week, he already surpassed his target of $38,000, raising an incredible $438,737 to bring the project to life. The project had 9,417 backers, although it is unclear how many of them are Russian bots.

Whether you're a Trump supporter or a Trump critic, everyone's getting a kick out of the doll. "This figure is near and dear to me," writes Chuck on the campaign description. " And thankfully it seems to have brought a smile to all sides of the political spectrum. The response has taken me a little by surprise!! I am very grateful to have made so many people happy with this sculpture."

In the update section, Chuck says the dolls are currently shipping. So if you'd like to purchase one, just visit Chuck's website to place an order. The figure costs $25, stands 4.75" tall, and the cell phone is removable. Obviously, since the doll is naked, it is meant for mature audiences only and is not safe for work. Perhaps in the future Chuck will create accessories, like a business suit, a red Make America Great Again baseball cap, a golf cart, a McDonald's meal, a wall, a swamp, a prison cell. The possibilities are endless.

Everyone hates internet trolls, but everyone loves Troll Dolls. The president's unique physical features translate pretty well to a cartoonish toy. All the Donald Trump Troll Doll needs is a friend. Maybe next he'll create Validmir Putin, and offer both dolls in a special "Colludin' BFF's" Box Set.