Photo of billionaire Bill Gates waiting in line at Seattle burger joint goes viral



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Microsoft founder Bill Gates has a $95 billion fortune, but he still has to wait in line for a burger just like everyone else. On Tuesday, he was spotted in casual attire outside Dick's Drive-In, a fast-food joint in Seattle, Washington. The tech giant could afford to eat lobster fritattas, Kobe beef patties stuffed with foie gras, and truffle-infused unicorn steak, but instead, he opted for more sensible fare: At Dick's, a deluxe burger costs $3.40, fries cost $1.90, and a large Coke costs $2.38.

Mike Galos, a former Microsoft employee, noticed the burger loving billionaire and snapped his photo. Which is inda creepy, but hey, celebrities must be used to it by now, right? On Facebook, Galos shared the image, writing, "When you're worth about $100,000,000,000, run the largest charity in the history of the world and stand in line for a burger, fries and Coke at Dick's like the rest of us." Then he took a jab at President Donald Trump, writing, "THIS is how real rich people behave unlike the gold toilet seat wannabe poser in the White House."

The photo of Gates waiting in line just like a regular joe received more than 17,000 likes and 14,000 shares. "Nobody seems to notice him...he fits right in," observed one Facebook user, while another added, "He's my kind of guy!" A third wrote, "I know he's a sucker for a good, greasy tech-fuel burger." Indeed, the 63-year-old philanthropist is a loyal customer at Burgermaster in Bellevue, Washington, as well.

Despite making more money than he could spend in multiple lifetimes, Gates appears to take Kendrick Lamar's advice: Be humble. "Bill's not big on attention but is generally friendly and understands he's a bit of a celebrity," explained Galos. "I've chatted with him at parties before but on the street or in a restaurant I don't know him well enough to go over and say hi."

During an appearance at the University of Washington in 2011, Gates revealed that money hasn't changed his culinary cravings. "I can understand wanting to have millions of dollars, there's a certain freedom, meaningful freedom, that comes with that," he stated. '"But once you get much beyond that, I have to tell you, it's the same hamburger. Dick's has not raised their prices enough."

But Bill Gates isn't the only billionaire with a hankering for fast food. Donald Trump is a die-hard fan of McDonald's, and according to his former campaign managers, he even has a regular order: "Two Big Macs, two Fillet-O-Fish, and a chocolate malted." And yes, apparently this is for just one meal. Holy Calorie Bomb, Batman!

Recently Trump shared his abiding love of fast food with a college championship football team. When the Clemson Tigers visited the White House for a celebratory dinner, the president served them McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's and Domino's pizza. I hope one day we get a photo of Donald Trump and Bill Gates sharing a bucket of chicken at KFC.