Celebrity-endorsed products are everywhere. Brands know that, with a famous face behind their creation, they're almost guaranteed a certain number of sales from that celeb's hardcore fans. And it turns out that when it comes to product endorsement, Ryan Reynolds goes a step further than most.
The actor, 42, is a massive Aviation Gin fan. So much so that he bought the company last year. While this presumably came with a bunch of new jobs for Reynolds, one he likely wasn't required to do was write hilarious Amazon reviews of the product.
Taking to Twitter, the actor shared a screenshot of a hilarious review that he'd been sent, revealing that it hadn't been written by a random patron, but himself.
"I loved this review of Aviation Gin someone sent me after I wrote it," he wrote.
"As soon as I tried the Gin I knew right away, it was amazing," he wrote. "It was the smoothest Gin I'd ever tried and went down really easily."
"I wish they'd provide some kind of warning about how much you're supposed to have," he continued. "I had a lot...and after a while I felt really great. Eventually, that bubbly and illusory sense of well-being turned into a bit of a blur."
Sounds like a pretty standard big night out, right? Well, things then suddenly took a wild turn in Reynold's next paragraph.
Credit: 1642In which, he wrote:
"When I woke up the next day, I mentioned to my wife Linda that last night must have been a REAL blowout because I slept in my clothes. Even my shoes! I also noticed it was really hard to look out the window at the Seattle skyline. Partly because of the bright sun (I've always been sensitive to light) but also because I don't live in Seattle. I live in Coral Gables, Florida. Also, it's important to note, until that morning, I'd never met anyone named Linda."
Needless to say, Aviation Gin wanted first rights to the screenplay of Reynold's wild story:
But everyone's feelings were perhaps best epitomized by this Twitter user:
Now, if nothing else, Aviation Gin looks like it'll lead you to a pretty wild time!