There are some unexpected versions of Monopoly out there. With a bass fishing, Bible Opoly, and Sun Maid raisins edition, there is nothing we haven't seen. Don't have an affinity for religion or dried fruit? Fear not, because a more-relatable member of the Monopoly family is coming.
In the wake of season three's success on Netflix, Hasbro has announced their new Stranger Things Collector's Edition Monopoly game. Both Stranger Things and Monopoly are known for their collaborations. While the show has partnered with the likes of Nike and Levi's, Monopoly has created board games with themes from countless popular movie and television series.
And with Stranger Things' newest season already breaking records, this collaboration feels like the next natural step to feed our addiction.

Inspired by all three seasons, Stranger Things Monopoly features a redesigned game with all your favourite details from the show. The board boasts the most-popular characters in the center, while the for-sale properties along the edges are locations or creatures from the series.

Instead of racing to monopolise your properties with houses and hotels, in this version, mark your territory with forts and glow-in-the-dark hideouts. There's even a crazy twist, just like in the show, as Upside Down cards can reverse your lead in seconds. Get ready for family feuds.
Bored of playing with whatever that little thimble game piece from the original Monopoly is? This new edition features pawns in the form of a walkie talkie, cassette tapes and Hopper’s hat.

But don't get too excited because you can only pre-order Stranger Things Monopoly for now. Buy it for $50 on the GameStop website and have it delivered in December. Though it seems like a long time to wait, that means you'll have all of your holiday time off to navigate the underground tunnels of Hawkins.