Pikachu is one of the world's most beloved animated characters. Now, like others including Sonic, he has been given a live-action counterpart in the Detective Pikachu movie.
And in a classic Ryan Reynolds move that would put even the internet's finest trolls to shame, the Detective Pikachu star himself has leaked the "entire thing" online.
Not wanting to obviously look like he was promoting piracy, Reynold's retweeted the account that leaked the movie, seemingly drawing Warner Brother's attention to the fact that it's been leaked.
However, as he'd have fine well known, this would have just given the leak more attention and garnered views from his 13.6 million followers. If you want to see the incredibly adorable movie for yourself, check out the video below.
Seriously, it's the best thing you'll do today (and honestly better than we were expecting):And if you manage to get past the first few minutes, we salute you.
These are some of the best responses to the "leak":
The actual Pokémon Detective Pikachu will be released in movie theatres this weekend.
If you haven't seen it yet, this is its official trailer:Fair play, Ryan Reynolds. Fair play.