Plane passenger's selfish act with coat leaves people divided


By Nasima Khatun

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A plane passenger's selfish act involving her coat has left people divided on what they would do if they were in a similar situation.

Now, getting on a lengthy flight means kicking back, relaxing, and throwing on a good ol' movie for the entire ride, but what happens when a fellow passenger stops you from doing that?

One person was left stuck between a rock and a hard place after a passenger in front of them decided to throw their coat over their seat.

Taking to Reddit with a post titled "Ready To Be Triggered?", the social media user showed people an image what they had to deal with for the entire duration of their flight alongside a caption giving a little bit of background context.

A woman decided to put her coat over their seat without realizing her mistake... Credit: Enviromantic/Getty

"A veeery old woman was wheelchair’d on to the plane, and she was with a family member (probably a son), and it took two airport employees to carry her in to the middle seat," the poster penned last week.

"I actually had to leave my row to give them space to maneuver," they continued. "Then her family member proceeded to make it more comfortable to [sic] her by putting her gigantic jacket over the seat, resulting in what you saw here."

The Reddit poster also noted that the flyer next to them, whose TV was covered, "said she wasn’t going to say anything, so neither did I. But she had to sadly just scroll Instagram and text for an entire 4-hour flight."

Credit: Reddit

Hundreds took to the comment section of the post and expressed what they would do in the situation, with a lot of them slamming the original poster for not using their voice.

"What's wrong with: 'Excuse me, your jacket is blocking my screen. Can you please reposition it?'" asked one user while another added: "Speak up? I’m flipping it back over the seat so I can have my flight info on the screen I never look at."

A third even stated that a flight attendant should have been notified of the disturbance writing: "As a FA, please tell me. A lot of the time they don't realize it's covering the monitor. People go through life in their own bubble. Let me help them realize they're not the only ones on the planet."

However, someone else replied to the comment stating that they were of no help to them when they were in a similar predicament.

"I had a flight attendant tell me 'it’s their chair they can do whatever they want,'" they wrote.


Others blamed the passenger with the coat, slamming them for being so careless.

"This really solidifies my theory that some people are just f****** clueless about the fact that other people exist. They see a screen in front of them, they see screens in front of every seat to the side of them, yet the screens behind them don’t exist. It’s truly magical," this user commented, while another agreed saying: "This definitely triggered me. Nobody is that clueless, it was done on purpose and nothing can convince me otherwise. They counted on the person behind being passive..."

However, others defended the old lady, explaining that she probably didn't realize the issue, especially if no one had notified her.

"I doubt this was malicious in any way," wrote this Reddit user. "Traveling with disabilities is stressful and when you've got so many things on your mind, it's easy to not realize you did something like this. I'd guess that if someone said 'hey, your coat is blocking the IFE here, could we adjust it a little so I can use it?' they would have happily done so.

"It's not awkward or mean unless you make it so," they added.

What do you think?

Featured Image Credit: Izusek/Getty