This year, Netflix revived Top Boy, the show originally billed as taking an "honest" look at inner-city gang culture, and it's proven to be a hit.
Now, Ashely Walters has revealed that a fourth season of the London-based show is likely in the works. While this news has yet to be confirmed by the streaming service itself, Walters, who plays Dushane, says it's looking "promising".
If you haven't seen it yet, this is the trailer for the Netflix series:In an interview with the Metro, he said: "Fingers crossed, we haven't had the actual green light yet, but it's looking promising.
"In preparation for that we've already been working out storylines and writing so it's looking good. Obviously. I won't give anything away but it's looking dope and we're all looking forward to going again with the show."
Credit: 1386However, before you get too excited about what these potential storylines might be, the actor made a point of saying that if it goes ahead, the fourth season won't be hitting our screens for a while.
In fact, he now regrets not filming two seasons at once because the third has proven so successful.
He added: "It had a huge impact and I'm quite sad we didn't film two seasons at once because if we do go again, these people are going to have to wait quite a while again which is going to be difficult."
Credit: 2120Set on a fictional council state in Hackney, east London, the show follows the lives of a group of residents who are involved in drug dealing and gangs.
The first and second series' found a new fanbase when they became available on Netflix, which is what resulted in the commissioning of a third. It began with Dushane returning to his East London home to reclaim his throne as king of the lucrative drug market.