Amazon releases secret New Year sale that only Prime members can shop



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Look: I know it's literally just been Christmas - a time of year when we all spend improbable sums of money on our nearest and dearest (as well as $10 on a secret Santa for someone we've only spoken to once, in an awkward, faltering attempt at small talk over the water cooler).

But bargain season waits for no man, woman or child, and it would appear that, even though Black Friday is still fresh on the minds and bank balances of many, it's time to go bargain hunting again.

Footage captured Aldi shoppers in absolute pandemonium over the much-coveted Kevin the Carrot toy:

Now, personally speaking, my foray into the Black Friday sales was an unmitigated disaster. Nothing fit right, everything took way longer to arrive than any reasonable person would account for, and I ended up in a complicated, frustrated tangle of return labels and regret.

So am I going to be diving right back in to the bargain bucket for post-Christmas sale season? You bet your life I am.

That's because it has been revealed that Amazon is holding a secret New Year sale for Prime members, featuring a shed load of special deals that can be found on the site's Just for Prime section.

Credit: 1641

There are discounts across a huge range of products including clothing, tech, kitchenware, electronics and a whole lot more besides, with many big-name brand items available at discounted prices.

Now, it must be reiterated that only Prime members can access these special discounts, but the good news is that anyone can jump on board the Prime train by signing up for a free 30-day trial. You'll then get access to the Prime discounts on the New Year sale alongside all the other benefits that Amazon throws in for its Prime customers.

Amazon's Alexa now has a Samuel L. Jackson voice option, check it out in action:

Of course, you might also be thinking that it's high time you did a bit of frugal saving as the New Year approaches us. In that case, you could take advantage of the discounts to buy your Christmas gifts forĀ next year. How's that for frugality and ruthless organisation?