Couple horrified after dad spots NSFW detail in vacation photo


By James Kay

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A young couple was left absolutely mortified after an innocent image that was sent to the family contained something that you wouldn't want your parents to see.

Let's be honest - going away with your partner is one of the best things in life as you can escape the stresses of everyday life.

Especially for young couples, it offers to chance to really unwind and get to know your significant other a little bit better - because the stress of an airport really shows a person's true colors.

If we're going to be candid - being alone with your partner in a hotel room in a foreign country often leads to really getting up close and personal, if you know what I mean.

But this is something that should stay between a couple and not have outsiders knowing about it - especially not your dad.

Well, one unfortunate woman managed to send an image back home when she was away with her boyfriend, and the photo gave away what the pair were up to.

In case you can't quite see it, that red bottle with the word "Durex" on it is lube - often used in the act of lovemaking, to put it politely.

After sending the innocent mirror selfie to her family, Kelsey and her boyfriend Elliot were met with a very embarrassing message back.

"Dad said the pics r lovely, nice Durex bottle. [sic]," her mom wrote back to her, with Kelsey quickly trying to find an explanation: "It’s Elliot’s knee cream!"

This wasn't enough of a good excuse for the eagle-eyed dad though, as it soon become apparent that he had zoomed into the image and the couple was completely rumbled.

People rushed to comment on the tweet, with one person saying: "Nothing out of the’s not like they were on vacation to visit churches and save the homeless. Have fun!"

A second person added: "At least it was small enough to go in hand luggage 50ml, #smartboy. If that’s for his knee.. it must be a very long knee."

After receiving a number of hateful comments on the tweet, Kelsey added a second where she penned: "Some people [are] getting a right little bee in their bonnet about a little bit of lube. Calm down darlings."

Despite it being fairly obvious what happens when a couple goes away together, parents don't need to be involved and for their sake, what they don't know won't hurt them!

The moral of this story is to ensure that all personal items aren't in the shot when taking a photo that will be sent to your parents!

Have you had any interesting experiences with sending an interesting picture to your parents? Let us know in the comments!

Featured image credit: David Gomes / Pexels

Couple horrified after dad spots NSFW detail in vacation photo


By James Kay

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A young couple was left absolutely mortified after an innocent image that was sent to the family contained something that you wouldn't want your parents to see.

Let's be honest - going away with your partner is one of the best things in life as you can escape the stresses of everyday life.

Especially for young couples, it offers to chance to really unwind and get to know your significant other a little bit better - because the stress of an airport really shows a person's true colors.

If we're going to be candid - being alone with your partner in a hotel room in a foreign country often leads to really getting up close and personal, if you know what I mean.

But this is something that should stay between a couple and not have outsiders knowing about it - especially not your dad.

Well, one unfortunate woman managed to send an image back home when she was away with her boyfriend, and the photo gave away what the pair were up to.

In case you can't quite see it, that red bottle with the word "Durex" on it is lube - often used in the act of lovemaking, to put it politely.

After sending the innocent mirror selfie to her family, Kelsey and her boyfriend Elliot were met with a very embarrassing message back.

"Dad said the pics r lovely, nice Durex bottle. [sic]," her mom wrote back to her, with Kelsey quickly trying to find an explanation: "It’s Elliot’s knee cream!"

This wasn't enough of a good excuse for the eagle-eyed dad though, as it soon become apparent that he had zoomed into the image and the couple was completely rumbled.

People rushed to comment on the tweet, with one person saying: "Nothing out of the’s not like they were on vacation to visit churches and save the homeless. Have fun!"

A second person added: "At least it was small enough to go in hand luggage 50ml, #smartboy. If that’s for his knee.. it must be a very long knee."

After receiving a number of hateful comments on the tweet, Kelsey added a second where she penned: "Some people [are] getting a right little bee in their bonnet about a little bit of lube. Calm down darlings."

Despite it being fairly obvious what happens when a couple goes away together, parents don't need to be involved and for their sake, what they don't know won't hurt them!

The moral of this story is to ensure that all personal items aren't in the shot when taking a photo that will be sent to your parents!

Have you had any interesting experiences with sending an interesting picture to your parents? Let us know in the comments!

Featured image credit: David Gomes / Pexels