A determined first-time mother wasn't going to let being about to give birth stop her from graduating college, as she collected her diploma despite being in labor.
As people navigate their way through life, they will occasionally be met with a huge occasion like getting married or buying a dream home.
But what happens when two of these massive moments overlap? Should one take priority over the other or would it be acceptable to try and give both the celebration they deserve?
One woman found herself in this exact situation as she was set to walk up on stage to collect her college diploma when her unborn child decided this was the opportune moment to want to make an appearance.
First-time mom Kelsey Hudie was due to take to the stage at Henry Ford College in Michigan to collect her diploma when she was 38 weeks pregnant.
Naturally, she went into early labor and started dilating before taking to the stage but that wasn't going to stop her from receiving what she had worked so hard for as she crossed the stage despite being dilated.
"That wasn't going to stop me from walking across the stage," the 27-year-old told WDIV-TV.
Hudie continued: "I even said if I had her before the walk, I was just going to hold her in my arms and walk across that stage."
The college informed Hudie that she didn't need to be there in person to gain her diploma, but after working so hard, she wanted to enjoy the occasion.
Speaking to ABC News, the college's president, Russell Kavalhuna said: "When we bring people through Henry Ford College, they've got grit. They've got perseverance.
"This student has told me, and us, 'I'm going to walk across that stage despite the fact that I am 38 weeks pregnant. I am dilated, and I can't wait for you, Russ, and your friends to talk for an hour-and-a-half so I need to graduate quickly."
Due to the upcoming arrival, the college called the expecting mother on stage before anybody else so she could receive her diploma and quickly get to the hospital so she could give birth.
Hudie said: "They did tell me that I didn't need to walk but I said I'm walking. [College] was my accomplishment and this is the proof. I was expecting to walk in just like normal, but I was determined.
"The crowd just went wild. I think that put a big smile on my face," Hudie continued. "I didn't really realize when I was walking across the stage with her in my belly that I'd be a big inspiration to others."
Hudie then gave birth to a healthy baby girl and has since stated her intent to return to school so she can become a full-time teacher.
We're sure this was a day that the new mother will never forget!