A TikToker has taken to social media to share her tips for "surviving" having a 9-to-5 job.
Yes, it seems like younger generations are sick of the daily grind.
With more and more freelance opportunities arising and the rise of careers like YouTubers and influencers, the desire to land a Monday-to-Friday 9-to-5 job is diminishing among Millenials and Gen-Zers. However, not all of us can be so lucky as to spend the rest of our working lives streaming video games on Twitch.
For million of people around the world, achieving a work-life balance can be hard. As Dolly Parton once sang: "Workin' 9 to 5, What a way to make a livin'. Barely gettin' by, It's all takin' and no givin'".
That's why TikToker @ellsatthedisco has shared a series of tips to help people "survive" the 9-to-5 grind.

"If you're working 40-plus hours a week or working full time then, in my opinion, there is no such thing as a work-life balance," she starts the video, before adding: It is so hard to manage and for those of us who aren't doing content creation full time and have the luxury of going to pilates every day at 11:00AM, then we're gonna need to stick to the 9-to-5 grind a bit longer and you're gonna need some tips to keep you as sane as possible during the week."
"Number one is delete Teams, Slack, and emails off of your personal phone," she stated, explaining: "If you need to access them outside of working hours, then your company should have no problem in providing you with a work phone to do so." Check out her full video below:
She warns that treating these apps like social media will only cause you "damage", and soon enough, "your whole identity will be work".
"I am not a CEO, and I don’t have shares in my company, so I have no business to be updated constantly or checking in on this project or that project," she defiantly states.
@ellsatthedisco's second tip was to ensure that you are only working your contracted hours and leaving the office on time. "Arrive on time and leave on time," she said. "Your work is going to be there tomorrow and for the rest of the week."
"The time we have outside of work is minimal, so it should be spent on you," she stressed, adding: "You can’t put a price on time." She even explained how she'd even forfeit overtime if it meant she could have more time to herself.
The TikToker's final piece of advice is to always make sure you're taking your lunch break away from your workspace. That means not feeling like you have to be "chained" to your desk.

She also advised against spending your lunch breaks with colleagues who will only sit around and talk about work. "Just make sure you've reset for the afternoon," she concluded.
So there you have it. In all honesty, I'm sure so many of us are guilty of not abiding to this advice when we know we should be. I know I'm guilty of breaking each of these rules at least once a week. But maybe it's time we all approached the daily grind differently from now on?