Guy tweets joke body-shaming dad bods and the internet absolutely savages him for it



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In the past year or so, several studies have claimed to prove that women prefer men with a softer, rounder physique, and with celebrities like Leonardo Dicaprio and Chris Pratt sporting the affectionately-named "dad bod", it seems that they are, indeed, "in".

While many women will shake their heads at this – it hardly seems likely that if she naturally puts on a bit of weight as she gets older (especially after having kids) that people would shrug and say it's cool – the dad bod phenomenon can be considered a move towards mainstream body-positivity.

But while this may be the case, some people still don't think it's acceptable for men to be anything less than muscly hunks of meat. Like Twitter-user Magic Mitch, who tried to make a joke shaming dad bods, only for it to go horribly wrong.

"Magic Mike grossed 167 million. If you still think girls like dad bods, keep dreamin pal," he wrote.


The point he was trying to make was that Magic Mike made a lot of ticket sales, proving a lot of people like looking at oiled-up men with six-packs and perfectly sculpted arms. He alluded to the fact that dad bods have been somewhat glorified as of late, hoping to shut down that notion with his stats.

However, the tweet was not received by the internet as he intended. More than 200 people commented on the post, most of them writing savage comebacks to the anti-dad bod tweet.

A lot of people referenced other films with more impressive sales figures, asking the Twitter-user what these other numbers said about the female preference for a man's body type.


Someone went so far as to say that Magic Mike made "awful" box office sales compared to other blockbusters. Even though it did make quite a lot of profit in terms of its initial budget, the film franchise about male strippers kind of sucked "in the larger scale of things".


Some women were quick to come to the defence of the dad bod, sharing their appreciation for the softer, rounder body type. Yes, everyone loves someone with toned muscles, but it's certainly not attractive to be with someone who's got an unhealthy obsession with getting ripped that fuels narcissistic tendencies. Plus, you know, there's "more to love".


This person perhaps summed it up the best, stating that everyone is different, and everyone has their own "preferences" – which naturally tend to vary anyway. They wrote: "my range goes from jason momoa’s body type to dad bod with a beer belly... so don’t body/fat shame anyone. people like/love who they like/love disregarding body type. you shouldn’t make guys feel bad if they don’t have abs."


Noticing the backlash his tweet had attracted, Magic Mitch returned to the thread to add on a few more clarifying points. He said that he wasn't intending to body-shame anyone, but wanted to point out some of the things he took issue with in regards to the whole dad bod phenomenon.

"Self acceptance is a crucial component in developing your own sense of self worth," he asserted. "Many of you are blurring the line between acceptance and laziness."


Well, it is true that we shouldn't get lazy with our own health, but that doesn't mean we all need to have the physiques of male strippers.

Guy tweets joke body-shaming dad bods and the internet absolutely savages him for it



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In the past year or so, several studies have claimed to prove that women prefer men with a softer, rounder physique, and with celebrities like Leonardo Dicaprio and Chris Pratt sporting the affectionately-named "dad bod", it seems that they are, indeed, "in".

While many women will shake their heads at this – it hardly seems likely that if she naturally puts on a bit of weight as she gets older (especially after having kids) that people would shrug and say it's cool – the dad bod phenomenon can be considered a move towards mainstream body-positivity.

But while this may be the case, some people still don't think it's acceptable for men to be anything less than muscly hunks of meat. Like Twitter-user Magic Mitch, who tried to make a joke shaming dad bods, only for it to go horribly wrong.

"Magic Mike grossed 167 million. If you still think girls like dad bods, keep dreamin pal," he wrote.


The point he was trying to make was that Magic Mike made a lot of ticket sales, proving a lot of people like looking at oiled-up men with six-packs and perfectly sculpted arms. He alluded to the fact that dad bods have been somewhat glorified as of late, hoping to shut down that notion with his stats.

However, the tweet was not received by the internet as he intended. More than 200 people commented on the post, most of them writing savage comebacks to the anti-dad bod tweet.

A lot of people referenced other films with more impressive sales figures, asking the Twitter-user what these other numbers said about the female preference for a man's body type.


Someone went so far as to say that Magic Mike made "awful" box office sales compared to other blockbusters. Even though it did make quite a lot of profit in terms of its initial budget, the film franchise about male strippers kind of sucked "in the larger scale of things".


Some women were quick to come to the defence of the dad bod, sharing their appreciation for the softer, rounder body type. Yes, everyone loves someone with toned muscles, but it's certainly not attractive to be with someone who's got an unhealthy obsession with getting ripped that fuels narcissistic tendencies. Plus, you know, there's "more to love".


This person perhaps summed it up the best, stating that everyone is different, and everyone has their own "preferences" – which naturally tend to vary anyway. They wrote: "my range goes from jason momoa’s body type to dad bod with a beer belly... so don’t body/fat shame anyone. people like/love who they like/love disregarding body type. you shouldn’t make guys feel bad if they don’t have abs."


Noticing the backlash his tweet had attracted, Magic Mitch returned to the thread to add on a few more clarifying points. He said that he wasn't intending to body-shame anyone, but wanted to point out some of the things he took issue with in regards to the whole dad bod phenomenon.

"Self acceptance is a crucial component in developing your own sense of self worth," he asserted. "Many of you are blurring the line between acceptance and laziness."


Well, it is true that we shouldn't get lazy with our own health, but that doesn't mean we all need to have the physiques of male strippers.