Some things just don't go together - iPhones and headphone jacks; bathtubs and toasters; and pineapple on pizza (don't @ me). However, there is a clear reason they don't sell alcohol in gyms.
Surveillance footage from a gym in China shows the moment an alleged drunk gymgoer attempted to build on his gains while under the influence. But despite the fact every personal trainer lives by the motto, 'no pain, no gain', this guy definitely won't be seeing the result he was hoping for.
The footage, which was recorded on December 8 at a gym in Chongqing, starts with the man bench-pressing a barbell with several plates on either side. However, it's not long before the weight becomes too much and he loses his grip.
Check out the painful-looking footage below. This could have been so much worse:After dropping the bar across his chest, the man stands up and walks away... before immediately collapsing onto the floor.
Per theĀ New York Post, the man suffered injuries to his soft tissue, but fortunately, he has already recovered.
According to the gym staff, the man had been drinking alcohol prior to his workout, but it is unclear how much he had to drink. Then again, it is generally considered good gym practice not to combine alcohol and exercise in a short period of time.
In other gym-related news from China, a traditional Chinese medicine doctor has recently wowed her Instagram followers after showing off her ripped body after turning to bodybuilding.
Check out her results in the video below:Yuan Herong, 30, started bodybuilding two years ago because she wanted "look stronger". In an effort to turn her dreams into a reality, Herong began training at the gym five times a week, and now she has an absolutely stunning and ripped physique that she proudly showcases on her Instagram account.
Despite being a fan of sports and fitness from a young age, Yuan told the MailOnline that it was her parents' desire for her to have a stable career that led to her focusing on her studies first:
"Both my parents are doctors. At first, I didn't really want to study traditional Chinese medicine, I liked martial arts. My parents told me not to give up my medical studies because they said it was a career that could benefit me for all my life."
And last month, Yuan's hard work paid off when she came second in the women's Class-A competition in a national championship held by the Chinese Bodybuilding Association. However, it seems that the doctor now has another passion she wishes to pursue:
"After I make some money, I will use it to hire a master and learn martial arts. I have never given up my martial arts dream."