Paramedic who died for 11 minutes reveals how it felt and what he saw in the 'afterlife'


By James Kay

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A paramedic has shared his experiences after he died for 11 minutes, claiming that he experienced an afterlife.

Dying is something that, sadly, will happen to all of us at some stage - and that can be quite a morbid thought.

Some people fear it while others have accepted its inevitability - but one thing that does offer that first camp some hope is the thought of an afterlife.

A lot of the various theories stem from religion, with heaven and hell, and reincarnation being popular beliefs.

GettyImages-502859729 (2).jpgHave you ever given thought to what happens after you die? Credit: Yuri_Arcurs/Getty

What happens after you die will always be a topic of discussion, but what do people who have actually died and come back have to say?

In 2018, paramedic Adam Tapp was electrocuted during a woodwork project and was clinically dead for 11 minutes before being resuscitated. His near-death experience has since reshaped his perspective on life and mortality.

Appearing on the YouTube channel Beyond the Veil, Tapp shared his story, describing the moment as a profound and tranquil journey.

"I felt like I was falling for ages," he recalled. "And then it was just like waking up from a nap someplace that I'd always been."

Tapp said he found himself in what he described as "perfect inky blackness," akin to the vastness of deep space.

"I was seeing spherically from a single point outwards, like I had just become a single point of awareness and I wasn't Adam, I wasn't dead, I wasn't anything. I was just perfect... like absolute contentment, and I was just in this space," he explained.

Tapp likened the experience to becoming part of "the fabric of the universe," calling it "perfect" and describing it as a "natural progression" in the cycle of life.

However, the experience was cut short when he was jolted back to life, something he attributes to the defibrillator restarting his heart.

Tapp was in a coma for eight hours before regaining consciousness, unaware of how much time had passed.

GettyImages-1969018453.jpgTrapp likened the experience to deep space. Credit: Jiojio/Getty

As he processed the experience, he initially struggled with the feeling that reality was no longer real.

"I was left with this overwhelming sense that this is just a stage, this is simply an evolution," Tapp said. "It was going back to the source of everything."

The event left a lasting impact on his personality and outlook.

"Something that I have noticed has changed in me, my personality, is my ability to appreciate a moment as opposed to applying meaning to everything," he said.

Reflecting on the nature of death, Tapp added: "Death is quite possibly the most natural thing that happens. I think that death in itself is just simply a transition."

Does this soothe any of your fears?

Featured image credit: Yuri_Arcurs/Getty