Footage of a man feasting on KFC in the middle of a vegan protest against meat consumption has gone viral, sparking controversy online. The protest was held outside Sydney's Town Hall by Vegan activist group Cube of Truth, according to MailOnline.
The organization has members all over the world and has been staging protests in Sydney since 2016. In any case, this particular protest was gatecrashed by a meat-eater who defiantly chomped down on some chicken from the popular fast-food chain.
Check out the brash video below:Clad in masks, the protesters held television screens which played horrifying scenes of animals being slaughtered while the man silently ate on.
People can be heard laughing in the background as the troll continues to eat the meat, unresponsive to the distressing footage. He stands just meters away from the protestors.
The video has since been viewed more than two million times on video-sharing app Tik Tok and has been posted on other social media sites. Many social media users have slammed the man's inappropriate behavior, branding it "childish".
"Why do people think its cool to lack empathy for other lives and then make fun of people that actually care?" one person asked. I'm not a vegetarian or anything but you're being childish."
However, this is the internet we are talking about, and, of course, there will always be opposing views.
Remember when this man resorted to eating a raw pig's head outside a vegan food festival:Indeed there were many social media users who praised the man for his actions, with one dubbing him the "hero we didn't know we needed".
"He's peacefully eating chicken, and whether you agree with him or not - they should be respectful," another said in jest.
"It's a protest of a protest, that's too many layers for me to understand," one person wrote.