Mom accidentally glues her eye shut after mistaking bottle of nail glue for eye drops


By James Kay

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We've all made some silly mistakes in our time - but have you ever glued your eye shut?

As far-fetched as this sounds, it definitely seems like something that a lot of people are capable of doing, and I include myself in that.

The unlucky mother who found herself in this situation was Jennifer Eversole, and if you're scratching your head about how it happened, it actually seems like quite an easy mistake to make.

To put it into perspective, you know in the middle of the night when you want something from your bedside table and you're just grabbing anything until you find what feels right? This is that kind of scenario.

Jennifer took to TikTok to explain how the unfortunate set of circumstances unfolded, and it's all because of superglue being kept next to some eye drops...

"Well, I've gone and done it. I have won the most idiot person award," Jennifer began, looking a little worse for wear while covering her left eye.

"My eyedrops sit directly next to superglue and they're the same size bottle and I wasn't paying attention," she continued. "And now my eye is glued shut."

Jennifer continued: "I had to be brought here by a f***ing ambulance and I can't really open this other eye because then it makes this eye move and it's all scratchy and all this s***.

If your gut reaction is to call Jennifer an idiot, she has beat you to the chase as she sits in utter disbelief at how she's managed to glue her eye shut, stating that the whole situation is "stupid".

Half laughing and half crying, she went on to say that hospital staff lovingly informed her that they had never seen a scenario like this.

People were naturally intrigued by the story and posed a lot of questions to Jennifer who was happy to respond, one of whom wanted to know what it initially felt like.

"Intense burning, really bad burning, it felt hot," she began. "Then I shut my eye really, like, fast. I don't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing because it didn't get on my eyeball that much. And maybe it wouldn't have glued my eyes shut if I hadn't shut them, but I don't know what would have happened. It could have been worse."

Luckily, Jennifer was treated well and is currently on the mend, as she updated those concerned about her condition.

"Update for y’all. I am doing well! Eyesight should be back to 20/20 within a few days and my eye is healing nicely," she said.

But the question is, has Jennifer learned her lesson and will she make sure to read the bottles before she pours something into her eye?

The short answer is, yes. She explained: "In the future, I'll get brush-on glue, and I'll still put it away. But at least if that ever happens, it's a brush, and I'll know it's not eyedrops."

The moral of this story, read the labels before consuming anything (or pouring it into your eye).

Featured image credit: Lew Robertson / Getty

Mom accidentally glues her eye shut after mistaking bottle of nail glue for eye drops


By James Kay

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We've all made some silly mistakes in our time - but have you ever glued your eye shut?

As far-fetched as this sounds, it definitely seems like something that a lot of people are capable of doing, and I include myself in that.

The unlucky mother who found herself in this situation was Jennifer Eversole, and if you're scratching your head about how it happened, it actually seems like quite an easy mistake to make.

To put it into perspective, you know in the middle of the night when you want something from your bedside table and you're just grabbing anything until you find what feels right? This is that kind of scenario.

Jennifer took to TikTok to explain how the unfortunate set of circumstances unfolded, and it's all because of superglue being kept next to some eye drops...

"Well, I've gone and done it. I have won the most idiot person award," Jennifer began, looking a little worse for wear while covering her left eye.

"My eyedrops sit directly next to superglue and they're the same size bottle and I wasn't paying attention," she continued. "And now my eye is glued shut."

Jennifer continued: "I had to be brought here by a f***ing ambulance and I can't really open this other eye because then it makes this eye move and it's all scratchy and all this s***.

If your gut reaction is to call Jennifer an idiot, she has beat you to the chase as she sits in utter disbelief at how she's managed to glue her eye shut, stating that the whole situation is "stupid".

Half laughing and half crying, she went on to say that hospital staff lovingly informed her that they had never seen a scenario like this.

People were naturally intrigued by the story and posed a lot of questions to Jennifer who was happy to respond, one of whom wanted to know what it initially felt like.

"Intense burning, really bad burning, it felt hot," she began. "Then I shut my eye really, like, fast. I don't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing because it didn't get on my eyeball that much. And maybe it wouldn't have glued my eyes shut if I hadn't shut them, but I don't know what would have happened. It could have been worse."

Luckily, Jennifer was treated well and is currently on the mend, as she updated those concerned about her condition.

"Update for y’all. I am doing well! Eyesight should be back to 20/20 within a few days and my eye is healing nicely," she said.

But the question is, has Jennifer learned her lesson and will she make sure to read the bottles before she pours something into her eye?

The short answer is, yes. She explained: "In the future, I'll get brush-on glue, and I'll still put it away. But at least if that ever happens, it's a brush, and I'll know it's not eyedrops."

The moral of this story, read the labels before consuming anything (or pouring it into your eye).

Featured image credit: Lew Robertson / Getty