Parents left in shock after son 'they believe's been dead and buried for six months' calls them



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When it comes to family feuds, some lines should never be crossed. But for Callum, a man from New Zealand, the line was not only crossed but absolutely obliterated when his sisters - according to Callum - did something unthinkable.

In a tale that left even seasoned radio hosts stunned, Callum recently detailed this dark family secret on New Zealand's ZM Radio show. The hosts, Carl Fletcher, Vaughan Smith, and Hayley Sproull, were quite literally left with their jaws on the floor as they navigated this twisted narrative.

During a unique segment that asked listeners if they'd ever been presumed dead, Callum stated: "Yes, I definitely have been presumed dead, mate." He went on to allege how, during a heated argument, his sisters falsely informed their parents of his untimely "death" and even claimed he had been buried without their presence due to his ex-girlfriend's parents' wishes.

Vaughan, trying to wrap his head around the shocking story, commented: "What! I'm going to say this in the nicest possible way Callum... your sister sounds like a crazy b****. No offence. Your sister sounds like a top-level, red flag, crazy b****!"

With the curiosity burning, the hosts dived deeper into the details, wondering how it was possible for Callum to not have contacted his parents for a staggering six months.

Callum, with a hint of humor, shared that life's mundane routines had kept him busy until he suddenly realized that he hadn't spoken to his folks in a while. The subsequent call to his parents revealed their immense shock and relief, with Callum mimicking his father's bewildered reaction: "What the f*** is going on?"

The intrigue didn't end there. The hosts questioned why the parents would just take the sisters' word without further investigation. Callum explained their initial frantic calls to other family members provided no clarity, leading them to begrudgingly accept the tragic news.

But the shock value escalated even further. Callum revealed the "cause" of his "death" his sisters had allegedly come up with: he had been stabbed to death. An incredulous Vaughan exclaimed, "Wait wait wait, you were murdered? This is the wildest phone call we've ever had."

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Callum's sisters allegedly told their parents he had been buried without their presence due to his ex-girlfriend's parents' wishes. Credit: Pavel Danilyuk / Pexels

When asked about the feasibility of such a fate, Callum humorously admitted that while he wasn't involved in any gangs, at that point in his life, it "wouldn't have been unpeculiar" for him to face such a situation.

Callum's story had a heartwarming twist, though. When the truth emerged, his parents were "over the moon" with joy. They promptly reunited with their "resurrected" son, savoring the moments of reassurance that he was indeed alive and well.

And as for the sisters? Their relationship with the parents had supposedly cooled down significantly, if not frozen entirely.

In a world filled with peculiar news, this story stands out, offering a bizarre yet poignant lesson on the depths of family dynamics.

Featured image credit: cottonbro studio / Pexels