Plane passenger praised after making little girl cry by telling her to move from window seat


By James Kay

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A woman who made a little girl cry on an airplane is being praised after she refused to let the child have her pre-booked window seat.

Flying can be a stressful time, especially when there are kids involved. Considering that going on a plane usually means that there's a fun destination at the end, the airport and the flight itself can be daunting.

Some people don't take too well to flying, and having a specific seat on the aircraft can help calm their nerves. Others simply want to look out of the window to see the sights, and both are completely valid reasons for wanting to pre-book a seat.

But occasionally, everyone's worst nightmare can come true and a person is sat in the seat that is displayed on your ticket and that means an awkward conversation.

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Many people pay extra for a window seat. Credit: picturelibrary / Alamy

One Reddit user experienced this exact scenario, as she posted on the Am I the A**hole forum looking for confirmation that she did the right thing after she made a child cry.

The post read: "I (22F) am traveling internationally today. It’s an 8-9hour flight and I’m travelling alone. Leaving my family this time has been hard and I’ve been crying on and off the entire day. I had a window seat booked for my flight and I was looking forward to it.

"When I got there, a child was sitting in my seat and her dad in the middle seat. I looked at the dad and pointed at the window seat saying that I think it’s my seat expecting him to move. He looked at me and said she’s a child and pointed at the aisle seat suggesting I take it."

The original poster went on to say that she took the unoccupied aisle seat before informing her family about what had happened. Her dad then called her and he explained that he had paid extra for that specific seat and that it is rightfully hers.

When she explained this to the father of the child, he moved his daughter into the middle seat and she began crying after being taken away from the window.

The man allegedly made snide remarks throughout the journey and the Reddit user sat back so the little girl was able to see out of the window, but she was unsure whether she had done the right thing.

Safe to say, many believed that she was completely in the right as they showed their support. One person commented: "You bought a seat to be able to use it, and the father in this situation knew that the seat he put his child in wasn’t theirs to use.

"If the father wanted their child to have a window seat, they should have selected one. People choose their seats of preference for all sorts of different reasons, and they shouldn’t have to deal with someone just assuming that they can sit there."

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Credit: Reddit

A second person added: "No, what is this epidemic of people assuming they can take another person's assigned seat? The seats can have different prices, and can be selected ahead of time. The father can keep his snide remarks to himself."

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Credit: Reddit

Other users praised the woman for standing her ground and claiming her seat, adding that she was incredibly generous to spend the long flight sitting back so the child could see out of the window.

What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments!

Featured image credit: Andriy Popov / Alamy

Plane passenger praised after making little girl cry by telling her to move from window seat


By James Kay

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A woman who made a little girl cry on an airplane is being praised after she refused to let the child have her pre-booked window seat.

Flying can be a stressful time, especially when there are kids involved. Considering that going on a plane usually means that there's a fun destination at the end, the airport and the flight itself can be daunting.

Some people don't take too well to flying, and having a specific seat on the aircraft can help calm their nerves. Others simply want to look out of the window to see the sights, and both are completely valid reasons for wanting to pre-book a seat.

But occasionally, everyone's worst nightmare can come true and a person is sat in the seat that is displayed on your ticket and that means an awkward conversation.

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Many people pay extra for a window seat. Credit: picturelibrary / Alamy

One Reddit user experienced this exact scenario, as she posted on the Am I the A**hole forum looking for confirmation that she did the right thing after she made a child cry.

The post read: "I (22F) am traveling internationally today. It’s an 8-9hour flight and I’m travelling alone. Leaving my family this time has been hard and I’ve been crying on and off the entire day. I had a window seat booked for my flight and I was looking forward to it.

"When I got there, a child was sitting in my seat and her dad in the middle seat. I looked at the dad and pointed at the window seat saying that I think it’s my seat expecting him to move. He looked at me and said she’s a child and pointed at the aisle seat suggesting I take it."

The original poster went on to say that she took the unoccupied aisle seat before informing her family about what had happened. Her dad then called her and he explained that he had paid extra for that specific seat and that it is rightfully hers.

When she explained this to the father of the child, he moved his daughter into the middle seat and she began crying after being taken away from the window.

The man allegedly made snide remarks throughout the journey and the Reddit user sat back so the little girl was able to see out of the window, but she was unsure whether she had done the right thing.

Safe to say, many believed that she was completely in the right as they showed their support. One person commented: "You bought a seat to be able to use it, and the father in this situation knew that the seat he put his child in wasn’t theirs to use.

"If the father wanted their child to have a window seat, they should have selected one. People choose their seats of preference for all sorts of different reasons, and they shouldn’t have to deal with someone just assuming that they can sit there."

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Credit: Reddit

A second person added: "No, what is this epidemic of people assuming they can take another person's assigned seat? The seats can have different prices, and can be selected ahead of time. The father can keep his snide remarks to himself."

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Credit: Reddit

Other users praised the woman for standing her ground and claiming her seat, adding that she was incredibly generous to spend the long flight sitting back so the child could see out of the window.

What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments!

Featured image credit: Andriy Popov / Alamy