14 Cheaters who got brutal karma for their actions



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If you've ever been cheated on, it can be hard to know exactly how to respond. Obviously, the initial stages of finding out that your partner has been having an affair are horrible. You almost go into a state of mourning, with there being an internal debate on whether to give them "one last chance," or throw them and all the memories you created together, away.

However, while the majority of us simply spend our time crying and slandering the cheaters who have done us wrong, some people get revenge. Below, you will find 14 of the best instances of instant karma to have ever been inflicted on those who cheat. Let them serve as a warning to those of you who are thinking about cheating and, for those you who have been cheated on, use these as inspiration.

1. Must've been an enjoyable train ride

2. Do you like games?

3. Was it worth the $10,000 bill? Absolutely

4. Get neighbourhood watch involved

5. She definitely wasn't

6. That's gonna burn

7. What a good deal

8. Farmville and cheating destroys families

9. This is very clever

10. **carries on driving**

11. Is... is that what I think it is?

12. She-Hulk

13. Wow

14. Instant regret

So there you have it - cheating is never smart. Not only is it completely unfair to the person you are being deceitful on, it could also end in public humiliation.