9 signs that show your partner will never cheat on you



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We all care to imagine that our own relationship is superior to all others.

Stronger, fairer, more passionate, everyone thinks they are better at love than the last person, and the next for that matter.

That is, until it all starts to go wrong. Arguments, jealousy and accusations of infidelity are all to common in modern relationships; arguably the advent of social media and the plethora of dating apps that have followed hot-on-the-heels have contributed to this. If you're worried about your partner being unfaithful, though, it be reassuring to read these signs that show they simply aren't that type.

1. They are selfless 2. They don't ever try to lie to you  3. They're focused on their career 4. They aren't the secretive type  5. You share everything with each other  6. They haven't got a track record of cheating  7. You've never cheated on them 8. You haven't noticed any red flags  9. Your sex life is great 

At the end of the day, all most of us really want is someone to have and hold, to share our worries and triumphs with and perhaps share a Netflix password with. Enjoy your relationship, and try not to worry too much about things you cannot control.