Bride sparks debate after revealing she wants to uninvite grandma over her 4-word response to dress code


By Kim Novak

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A bride has left people divided after she revealed that she was thinking about rescinding her fiancé's grandmother's invite to her wedding after her four-word response to the dress code.

Getting married is often one of the happiest days of a couple's life, but it can be pretty stressful too.

From trying not to go wildly over budget, to making sure everybody gets along well, there can be a million things to think about before getting to 'I do'.

However, one bride revealed that her dress code is so much of a deal-breaker she's considering striking her own fiancé's grandmother off the guestlist unless she complies.

GettyImages-sb10067935r-001.jpgThe bride was left 'in crisis' after her fiancé's grandmother's reply. Credit: Andersen Ross/Getty Images

A bride took to social media to share her dilemma - which was then reposted on Reddit - telling her followers: "LADIES, I AM IN CRISIS!!!

"For my wedding I am having all the groups match. Therefore the grandparents are all wearing yellow.

"I messaged my fiancé's grandma this and I could not believe what she said. What do I do???

"Either not have her in pictures or not invite her??? I need helpppp."

She then shared screenshots of their text exchange, in which she had included examples of clothing in the light yellow color she wanted the grandparents to wear.

The bride had written: "Hi grandma Sally, it is Talia. Even though Carter and my wedding is in a year we wanted to talk to you about color coordination.

"We are wanting grandparents to be in the same colors so it'll match great in pictures. We would like yall to wear light yellow.

"You can wear any dress you like just in a light yellow. And Jeff can wear any light yellow shirt. I think a khaki color pants would look good with it. I'll send a picture of the color I had in mind."

Unfortunately for her, Grandma Sally was not having any of it, as she simply replied: "Don't like yellow sorry".

People were left divided in the comments, writing: "I love the Grandmas one line response lol", and: "The wedding is over a year away, and she's already in CRISIS! It's going to be tough year for her!...... And everyone around her, except GM evidently."

Another added: "This micromanaging everyone’s clothing is out of hand. Pick your bridesmaids colors used to be the only thing the bride was concerned with. Let Grandma rock whatever makes her happy, it’s more important she’s there, a lot of people don’t get to share their wedding day with Grandma and wished she could have been there."

Others commented: "Absolutely ridiculous, grandparents are not even in that many photos. I can only imagine the wardrobe requirements for immediate family members," and: "I’m with Grandma. I don’t like yellow, don’t look good in yellow (and look even worse in light yellow), and don’t have any yellow clothes."

GettyImages-1206665027.jpgIt's usually only the bridesmaids that are color coordinated. Credit: Mint Images/Getty Images

One added: "People are not props. Stop asking guests to match your aesthetics. If you care about it that much, hire people to be there. Because clearly you don't care about your family and friends. This s**t needs to stop.

"Ps this particular vision is ugly. And not flattering for most people. I look so bad in Yellow."

Who do you think was in the wrong? Let us know in the comments below.

Featured image credit: Andersen Ross/Getty Images