A woman has been praised after she un-invited her cousin from her wedding due to the person she wanted to bring as her plus one.
Weddings are often the happiest day of a couple's life, but the lead-up to the big day can be quite stressful.
From making sure you don't go over budget, to getting the seating plan just right, there's a million things to consider before the wedding.
However, things can get a bit uncomfortable if a family member oversteps the mark - such as by inviting someone as their plus one that you're really not happy with.
The bride shared her dilemma. Credit: Jodie Griggs/Getty Images
A bride took to Reddit's 'Am I The A**hole' forum to share her conundrum after deciding to un-invite her cousin from her wedding after she asked to bring the bride's ex as a plus one.
She explained: "My cousin is currently dating my ex, with whom I ended things amicably.
"Although I no longer have feelings for him, I do not want him at my wedding, a day that is incredibly important to me. I do not want him there to potentially overshadow the happiness of the occasion.
"Additionally, their relationship is still quite new, and I worry that if they break up, my cousin will be glad that he is not in any of the photos."
However, things ended up coming to a head when she put her foot down about her cousin bringing her ex as he date.
"When my cousin brought up the issue of bringing her boyfriend as a plus one, I told her that she could not bring him. She became upset and tried to argue her case," the bride revealed.
The cousin's plus-one request didn't go down well. Credit: Peter Dazeley/Getty Images
"Feeling frustrated, I finally told her that if she insisted on having him there, then I would rather she not be there at all. Now she is angry with me."
While the bride didn't want to go to such extreme measures, she believed that the priority should be the feelings of her and her husband-to-be rather than her cousin.
"I understand where my cousin is coming from, but I feel that she is not considering my feelings and the feelings of my own partner, whom I also have to consider when planning wedding," she wrote, asking: "Am I in the wrong for standing my ground on this issue?"
Fellow Reddit users were firmly in her corner as they commented: "NTA (not the a**hole) - it's your wedding and you get to decide who attends. I think it's fine for her to have asked you as you did end amicably with him but she should have accepted your no straight away as it's your wedding.
"If she comes back to you and says she is sorry and leaves the matter alone then you might decide to keep her as a bridesmaid. If she continues to bring this up and continues to be angry then I completely understand why you wouldn't want her as a bridesmaid anymore."
The cousin had been due to be a bridesmaid. Credit: Nerida McMurray Photography/Getty Images
Others added: "NTA They JUST started dating and it's your ex. What is she thinking? Also... OP (original poster), please tell me she at least checked with you before getting with your ex. If not, I'm wondering why you're bothering to invite her at all."
Another commented: "NTA, your wedding, you can invite (or not invite) anyone you want for any reason. If your cousin can't respect that, then she can find something else to do the day of the wedding."