Bride wears a crop top wedding outfit down the aisle



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In this ever-changing and modernizing world, weddings are usually one of the few occasions to follow tradition. People may like to put their own personal touches on their big day, but much of a wedding will follow the same pattern as everybody else's.

There will be a cake cutting, a bouquet throw, a first dance, and a sweaty best man speech - and most importantly, the bride will be wearing a white dress.

This maid-of-honor decided to dress as a T-rex to her sister's wedding, after being given permission to wear whatever she wanted:

However, one newlywed decided to shun the tradition of a long white gown in favor of a white crop top and skirt - and Instagram users all agree she looked absolutely amazing.

The bride in question is 25-year-old Steph Claire Smith, who wowed her wedding guests by walking down the aisle in a white crop top - before changing into a jaw-dropping dress for her wedding reception.

Smith married her childhood sweetheart, 29-year-old Josh Miller, over the weekend - but this could be a wedding we all remember, as this could be the big day that sparks a trend of bridal crop tops.

The Australian fitness influencer and model flaunted her incredible abs (seriously, I've got such envy) in a white bandeau crop top and full, floor-length white skirt for the ceremony.

Check out this best man prank the groom with a hilarious 'first reveal' prank:

And who doesn't love a good costume change? For her reception, Steph changed into a silky gown complete with bias cut-out around her midriff and a thigh-high side split - completing the stunning look with a pair of white trainers.

Following her nuptials, the influencer shared pictures of the occasion with 1.5 million followers, described her custom-made wedding dress as being "so me".

She captioned the picture: "The wedding dress of my’s SO ME and I love it so much. @k.y.h.a you were such a breeze to work with, thank you."

After sharing the post to her followers, it has garnered more than 130,000 likes and over 1,000 adoring comments.

Credit: 3298

Credit: 3516

Many people hailed the fitness fanatic as "stunning", "beautiful", and "gorgeous", with one commenter typing: "This dress is so YOU and you look so breathtaking."

Something tells me crop top bridal outfits are going to be the big wedding trend in 2020!