Relationship expert shares the 6 main reasons women cheat on their partners


By Asiya Ali

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A relationship expert has revealed the six main reasons why women cheat on their partners.  

Most people either explicitly or implicitly agree with their partners that they are in a monogamous relationship.

So when someone cheats, they jeopardize this and ruin the stability of the relationship.

RelationshipsThe six main reasons women cheat on their partners have been revealed. Credit: Tim Robberts / Getty

Unfortunately, the sad truth is that a man who cheats on his significant other is hardly uncommon. According to a study, 57% of the male participants confessed to adultery, while another study found that 20% of married men were disloyal at some point.

But with all of our focus on men’s infidelity, it’s easy to forget that women do the same, but the reasons for their unfaithfulness can be insightful.

Tracey Cox, a dating specialist, conducted research and found that there are six main motivators for women who cheat on their partners.

"Some might just surprise you," she warned.

couple bedCredit: Witthaya Prasongsin / Getty

Emotional neglect:

The relationship expert disclosed that when women feel unhappy in a relationship they will seek comfort elsewhere.

Cox told the Daily Mail: "The most frequently given reason for infidelity by women is feeling unhappy in the relationship: almost 65 percent of women in the study (conducted in the UK and Australia) cited this as their reason for straying.

"Only 31 percent of men listed dissatisfaction as their primary motivation to seek sex outside the relationship," Cox shared. "The second most common motivation for women to cheat is feeling emotionally abandoned."

"Women are four times more likely to cheat for this reason: only five percent of men cheat if they don't think their partner is 'into them,'" she added.

Revenge and vindication:

When a woman discovers that her partner has been up to no good behind her back, this can motivate her to do the same.

Intriguingly, the expert shared that a "surprising number" of women are unfaithful purely as an act of revenge and retaliation.

"It's not just about evening the score: it's about reclaiming a sense of agency and dignity in a relationship where we feel wronged," Cox said. "It might not be the most sensible course of action but the urge to hurt our partner the same way we've been hurt is hard to resist."

Reclaiming power in the relationship:

Women who feel second best to their partners may end up having an extramarital affair.

"In relationships marked by emotional or psychological imbalances, having an affair is a way of reclaiming a sense of control," she explained. "It's particularly common when a partner is overly dominant or controlling.

"If you're too scared to confront directly, doing something sneaky behind their back to make yourself feel better is the next best thing," Cox added.

That's why it's important to confront power dynamics at the beginning of the relationship, whether it's psychological, financial, age, or social status.

CoupleEmotional neglect, revenge, and power imbalance are some of the reasons why women cheat. Credit: Kinga Krzeminska / Getty

Seeking sexual satisfaction:

A fulfilling sex life seems just as important to women as it is to men. When this aspect of a relationship becomes unexciting, women may use this as a reason to seek other sexual partners.

"If you're not getting good and regular sex at home, you're more likely to get it elsewhere," Cox said. "Almost nine percent of women said this was the reason they strayed, with 10 percent of men agreeing.

"Sex might be fourth on the list of motivators for women in the study but we're still susceptible to being seduced if sex with our partner is boring and dull," she added.

Relieving stress:

When stressed out, some women choose to do relaxing activities like yoga, sunbathing at the beach, or some other form of mindfulness. Others prefer to seek a spicy rendezvous with someone that's not their partner.

"The constant stress of juggling career, motherhood, work, and other responsibilities leave many women feeling unappreciated and overwhelmed," she explained. "Some head to the spa for some 'me time', others head out to meet a lover to escape from the pressure."

Cox said that a lot of women tell their therapists that they see their affair as "something which is just for them" where they can enjoy a bit of pleasure without worrying about the other aspects of their busy lives.

BoredomThe final reason some women cheat is because of boredom. Credit: Maskot / Getty


Imagine you spark a romance with someone but a few months or years down the line you realize that your sex life is unexciting... this might be the reason why you'd see the appeal of infidelity.

"It's the reason least likely to win any type of sympathy but also the one that most of us will relate to," Cox said. "Monogamy might offer security and companionship but humans desensitize rapidly and even in good relationships there are periods where life seems, well, monotonous.

"Nearly eight percent of women said they'd cheated simply because they were bored; another five percent said they did it because they wanted novelty," she explained. "Men also cheat when they're bored (almost six percent) but are twice as likely to cheat for novelty (nearly 11 percent)."

Do you guys agree with the six reasons?

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